Chapter 49: Effects of a Fall...

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Ellie and Seijo both walked from the Pokemon Centre, leaving behind Lucas and Harry to have their battle while they investigated what on earth was going on with the stadium. More breaking news had appeared on the TV around, with an even larger clump of people setting their eyes upon the TV sets that were on display. Ellie wanted to see what it was all about, but shook her head and reminded herself to focus on the task that was ahead of her.

They passed by a row of shops all selling their goods, set up there to attract customers who had come to watch challengers of the gym leader or the select few that were battling themselves to make it to the Ever Grande Conference. Except, it was quiet. Really quiet. It was almost desolate, other than the few employees that could be seen outside or through a window in the business. And, they all looked bored out of their minds. A couple even abandoned their posts to see the news, hoping that it would be a little more interesting.

The doors of the stadium finally opened as Ellie and Seijo stepped through, but not a person was sitting inside. The only exception was a lone, bored receptionist who was tapping the desk lightly as they held their head in one hand. Their eyes lit up for a moment as Ellie and Seijo entered but quickly diminished after a guess at what they'd be here for.

"You're here for a gym battle, aren't you?"

"We just want to know why the stadium is completely empty.", Seijo said, while the receptionist just sighed and pointed to the TV store,

"You can just go back there. It'll tell you what you need."

And, so they did. Seijo stayed back and listened out for the news, while Ellie used her smaller body to slip through the crowd of people easier. Then, she read the news headline blaring across the screen.

The Hoenn Elite League cancelled amid national insecurity concerns.

Ellie was shocked to see that it was cancelled but could make a guess as to why the League was cancelled. Although, she didn't quite want to think about it. But, with some hesitation, she watched on for more information. The screen shifted, showing the news' logo for a second, then cut to a woman standing, reading off of a script in her hands.

"Good morning. We have recently received reports of the Hoenn Elite League ticket holders receiving refunds at a rapid rate. We have since consulted a representative of the Hoenn Elite League, who delivered the unfortunate news. He said that, with the recent invasion and subsequent destruction of Meteor Falls at the hands of an unknown group of terrorists, we cannot hold the battles with complete assurance that spectators and competitors will be safe from these criminals hurting even more people. We are sorry that we cannot continue with these battles, but are looking to schedule these at a later date.

Immediately, chills ran down Ellie's spine as she listened to the news reporter talk about Meteor Falls. It felt like her world was about to crumble, even if she stood on solid ground. The thoughts of Meteor Falls, Lucas' injuries first, the people's screams. Then, suddenly, poison began to escape from her lips. It submerged her in a gas, and she began to feel suffocated. Tears streamed down her face. Her breaths became heavier, savouring every piece of oxygen. Then, suddenly a heavy tug came from behind.

"Ellie? Ellie! Ellie, are you okay?", he asked, but it didn't seem to be getting through at all. She seemed lost, even if nothing was around her. At least, to him, there was nothing to be afraid of. Her ears were toning out his voice, replacing it with a ringing that negated anything. But, still, he tried to remain calm for her. He looked at her heavy breathing and told her,

"Just try to get your breathing to relax.", Seijo said. She finally heard the voice. She looked at him. He took a breath for four seconds and then exhaled. He did it again. Ellie mimicked it. In and out. Simply. Slowly. As she did it, she found the ringing dying down. More rational thoughts seeped in, as it felt like the threat in front of her was slowly diminishing, thanks to her calmer breathing. She took one final deep breath, and while her panic attack wasn't completely gone, it helped her calm down enough to tell Seijo.

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