Chapter 15: A Gym Battle to Remember!

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The early day dawned over Petalburg City with most people still being asleep at such an early time of day. However, Lucas was already bright and awake, training with his Pokemon on the back battlefield of the Pokemon Centre. Both Zorua and Torchic were spread about the battlefield, each being commanded different things by Lucas.

"Alright, Torchic, I want you to constantly fire off Embers. Zorua, you dodge them."

Torchic had belief in its trainer and got ready to obey its command as soon as Zorua was ready. Zorua was admittedly very nervous about dodging an onslaught of constant attacks but thought it would be possible to do. The first Ember came, and Zorua sidestepped it quickly. Then, another one came and Zorua leapt over it, staying in the air for more than Torchic expected. Torchic adapted still and started firing Embers while Zorua was in the air. Zorua was inexperienced with dodging in the air, going into a panic as the Embers flew towards Zorua. Lucas recognized this face and shouted to Zorua,

"You can do it! Try to adapt to the situation you're in!"

Zorua looked towards Lucas, and then towards the Embers flying towards it. What could it do to avoid the Embers?

It thought about how it could dodge in the air, and then looked at the ground. Then, a light suddenly shone in Zorua's brain, and it descended towards the ground at an angle, avoiding every Ember and gaining some momentum. It landed on the floor, softening its landing with a roll towards Torchic, and then taking a run towards the Fire-type. Torchic started ramping up the speed of the Embers flying towards Zorua, but Zorua kept on dodging them while making steady progress towards Torchic. Torchic kept on increasing the rapid rate of the Embers and Zorua kept on dodging until Zorua was in a position to attack. It pounced on Torchic and held it in a lock. It didn't hurt Torchic, but it did render itself in danger to more attacks from Zorua.

"Excellent!" Lucas cried a massive grin spreading across his face as he marvelled at the two Pokemon improving their skills. Zorua, with its constant dodging and air mobility, and Torchic with its speed of the Embers and how many could it throw out at its opponent. He gathered the two Pokemon into a huddle, took note of the time and said,

"Right, the gym should be opening in ten minutes. So, put your training here into good use inside the gym!"

Both Pokemon were fired up for battle after Lucas's speech, and couldn't wait to get stuck into the battle at the gym. Lucas shared the same energy, and walked into the lobby of the Pokemon Centre, planning to get to the gym before opening to ensure he wasn't late for anything. He walked through the corridor and watched as the door flew open. Ellie stepped out of the frame of the door, yawning and stretching her arms, then taking notice of Lucas and his Pokemon.

"Oh,= good morning. Are you going to the gym now to fight for your badge?"

"Sure am! Do you wanna come?"

"Of course I do! You came and supported me for my gym battle, it wouldn't be right for me not to go for yours."

"Then, lets go to the gym!"

They both smiled at each other, sharing a moment of peace before the storm of battle. They both walked in unison out of the door, walking along the path through the city and basking in the early morning sun. They navigated through the buildings, waving to the locals who were always happy to welcome new people, and then arrived at the gym building. Lucas took a deep breath and pushed the door open into the gym...


Lucas and Seijo stood opposite each other, each a Pokeball in their hand, and waiting for the other to release their Pokemon first. Seijo took the first move and tossed out his first Pokemon.

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