Chapter 27: Mauville vs Rustboro!

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After a short break in between the rounds of battling, the stage was set yet again for a battle. Rumour had been spreading through the crowd that this was the fated match of the new gym leader vs Roxanne, the Rustboro Gym Leader. Regardless of if the rumours were true, it certainly got the crowd more excited for the eventual battle.

Meanwhile, Lucas and Ellie sat together while Harry and Seijo were out getting some snacks that they had neglected to bring initially. They both watched as the machinations of the battlefield loosened, and the battlefield dropped below. Then, one free from battle scars rose up again.

"A new battlefield.", Ellie noted with a grin, "That must mean that the battle will be starting soon!"

"Alright!", Lucas exclaimed at the top of his lungs, as his eyes darted to the sides of the battlefield, hoping to catch a glimpse of anyone peaking their head out. Nothing was on the left side, but as he glanced to the right side, he saw a girl pop her head just around the corner. He stared at her, but couldn't get a very good look at her as she turned her head around to face the other side of the crowd, then disappeared *-behind the wall. Lucas tapped on Ellie's arm and pointed to the entrance on the right,

"I just saw someone pop their head around that corner!"

"Wait, really? What did they look like?"

"Well, I didn't get a great look. But...", Lucas thought for a second while playing the memory over in his mind, and finding a few similarities between whoever they were and, "she looked like that Ace Trainer that was helping in the VIP seats!"

Ellie looked at Lucas curiously, as if to be confused by his statement.

"Are you sure that wasn't just them checking the numbers in the crowd?"

"It could be. But, hey, its still fun to think about, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I suppose.", Ellie said with a slight chuckle in her voice. Lucas smiled and looked behind to check if Seijo and Harry were back with anything. But, he didn't spot them yet from a simple glance behind him.

"They're still not back yet?", Lucas asked, causing Ellie to take a look around as well. She shrugged and replied,

"The queue must be long. I just hope they don't miss the match."

Then, interrupting their small conversation, a voice suddenly played over the speakers.

"Alright, we appreciate that was a long wait!", Wally shouted at the microphone, his voice booming throughout the stadium, "But, now, who's ready for the grand reveal of your new Mauville Gym Leader?"

The crowd erupted into cheers, and Ellie even got swept up in the crowd. She stood up, grabbing Lucas' hand and pulling him up. She whistled and cheered, as did Lucas. Then, he found that Harry and Seijo had finally arrived with their snacks. Harry threw some popcorn into Lucas' hands as he rushed past, visibly out of breath, while Seijo walked more leisurely,

"So, we've got popcorn for Lucas and Harry, and a curry for Ellie.", Seijo said as he handed her a Sweet Mushroom Curry. Lucas immediately dove into his popcorn, glazed with Sinnoh Honey, as his eyes looked to the battlefield. Then, the two sides of the battlefield erupted with cheers, as they got their first glimpse at the gym leader. And, just as Lucas said, it was an Ace Trainer walking onto the battlefield. Or, at least, what looked like an Ace Trainer.

"Huh, I guess you were right.", Ellie commented as the Mauville Gym Leader walked out onto the battlefield, waving and smiling at the crowd. The crowd's energy was rambunctious, to say the least. Lucas and Harry were caught up in the storm, but both Ellie and Seijo were more concerned with how they would battle against Roxanne, who was also walking out from the other end of the battlefield. They both stepped up to the battlefield, where the new rocky surface lay.

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