Chapter 17: First Encounter of A Friend!

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It was a peaceful day, with the sun shining over Littleroot Town, and people adorning the small streets. Then, in his laboratory, Brendan was frantically looking through reports of a Ralts on Route 102. A number of new reports have surged through from new trainers, and Brendan finally thought it was going to be his opportunity to get some research done on such an elusive Pokemon. He prepared his bag, stuffing it with a couple of sketchbooks and notebooks, and of course, plenty of Pokeballs. He went to the upstairs where May was caring for a Treecko and Torchic and kissed her goodbye.

"Have fun with your research, honey!" May called out affectionately, and Brendan blushed as he disappeared down the stairs, waving at May as he did. He approached the door and stepped out into the day's sunlight. He stepped off of the lab's lawn but was stopped by a light tapping on his shoulder.

"Um, Professor Birch." the timid girl said, working up the courage to just ask a simple question. Brendan could see the anxiety in her and said,

"Just call me Brendan, Ellie. You can drop the professionalism."

It was amazing how timid Ellie was, even if she had been living with Brendan and May for about a month. It didn't matter much to Brendan, he could understand her timidness completely. It just meant she wouldn't ask for much and whenever Brendan or May asked if she wanted anything, she'd always respond with 'I'm fine!' or 'No, thank you!', even if she really needed something. So, it was a surprise to see her asking for something, a pleasant one no doubt, but still a surprise.

"Right then, Brendan." Ellie said, dropping the Professor Birch name and saying, "Could I go with you on your research trip?"

Brendan was even surprised at the question, but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense to him. The one thing that made her open up more was Pokemon. She was always fascinated with any Pokemon that Brendan would bring back from his trips into the wild, so it made a lot of sense for her to want to come with him. And of course, he wasn't going to tell her that she couldn't.

"Of course you can! You just have to promise to not get into any trouble while out there. I don't want you getting hurt."

"Alright!", Ellie exclaimed, immediately in a more bubbly mood as images of the lush scenery and vibrant Pokemon filled her mind. Brendan subtly smiled, thrilled to see Ellie being so happy, and reached into his pocket. He threw out a Pokeball, and out popped a giant Tropius that caught the attention of everyone. Brendan climbed on the back of Tropius, patting it affectionately on the head, as Ellie stood on the ground. She was a little unsure of flying for her mission, but Brendan did it almost every day and nothing had happened to him. Ellie took a breath and climbed on, battling her fear as she managed to get firmly on top of Tropius.

"I know it's scary, but you'll get used to it. Plus, you'll see some pretty scenery that you wouldn't have seen otherwise."

Ellie nodded at Brendan, and he smiled at her and then turned back around to face the front of Tropius.

"Alright Tropius, Fly!"

Tropius loudly cried, and flapped its gigantic wings, spreading a gust of wind throughout the entire town. The Pokemon took a bit of time to get off of the ground, but once it was off of the ground, it was smooth sailing from there. It soared to the sky, Ellie holding onto Brendan for dear life, and sped off towards Route 102. Ellie closed her eyes as the wind flew past her, not wanting to look at how far they were from the ground, or have any idea of where she was. But, after two minutes, the gusts of wind stopped and she finally opened her eyes. And, the first thing she did was look down.

At first, she was terrified of the distance between her and the ground, but then started to take note of everything that she could see on the ground. She could start to see a large chunk of the south of Hoenn, even managing to see the coast to the right of Littleroot Town. She oversaw lush forests and even saw a couple of Pokemon pass by them. They weren't anything too special, the occasional Taillow and one Swablu.

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