Chapter 80: Healing Wishes...

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Beginning notes:

So, um, this is Healing Wishes. The official midway point of the story. Now, this is kind of like I'd imagine a Pokemon Movie would be made for Weathering the Storm (Except this one matters more to general lore compared to the usual Pokemon movies. Also, it wraps up/setups a lot of loose ends to be resolved). Essentially, it's one giant chapter and I probably won't post much after I've posted this due to the nature of it being VERY LONG. (Oh yeah, TW: Light body horror, major character death, general angst and a greater gloomy atmosphere. If you really don't want that, then I'd suggest maybe waiting for me to post something else. Although, I'd still recommend reading it. Face your fears (or something like that).) Also, if you don't have the time to read 60 pages in one sitting, just try to imagine the breaks where I put the dashes as separate chapters. Its not a perfect system but I personally probably wouldn't be able to sit through 60 pages in one sitting. Alright, enjoy!


A light beeping drummed in Ellie's ears. A harsh light then struck her suddenly, before the light was obscured by what appeared to be a head. As Ellie squinted her eyes to focus, she found it was Lucas's head, tears swarming his eyes. He gave Ellie a massive hug immediately, exclaiming,

"You're okay! I was so worried about you!"

Ellie smiled faintly, patting Lucas on the back. Then, she found there was more than just Lucas in the room. Brendan and May greeted her with the same tearful welcome back that Lucas had given, while the few others in the room, Alex, Maya and Seijo, were more subdued in their approach, shooting a small smile or just a sigh of relief that Ellie was okay for now. Ellie attempted to get out of bed, but was gently pushed back down by Lucas,

"Hey, just stay put. You just managed to wake up. We don't want you overdoing it."

"How long have I been out?", Ellie asked, conscious of the time that likely passed while she was out. Lucas thought and said,

"About a day and a half. They're still running some tests to find out what is wrong with you, but we should be able to get you out of here soon enough."

"So, what happened with the hideout?"

"All the evidence of Team Storm's plans are destroyed thanks to that giant explosion.", Bolt chimed in, recounting what had happened, "All of the Pokemon are in the safety of Mauville, we've captured a lot of grunts and Courtney, who is going to be interrogated as soon as possible. And, no one is injured in any serious way. Except for you, of course. Lucas told me you took in a lot of poison that day."

"Well, it's not like anyone has a positive reaction to poison.", Ellie laughed for a second, before spluttering again. But, thanks to the machine nearby, the gas managed to disperse, coming back around as oxygen. Then, just as they had finished talking, a doctor walked into the room, holding a clipboard with a set of test results on them. He looked over to Ellie and breathed a sigh of relief,

"You're awake. Thank Arceus, we weren't sure if you would be."

"Have you finished the test results?", asked Brendan, and the doctor gave a nod, sitting down in his chair. He scanned the papers on his desk, then looked at them again on his computer screen. Then, he turned around to look at everyone in the room.

"Well, we've determined what is causing your daughter to have these fits. It seems she has traces of dust left over on her lungs from somewhere, which activates and produces mass amounts of toxic gas whenever she is in contact with Pokemon poison. Normally, poison intake like what she has had would be able to be shrugged off, like Alex had managed to do."

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