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A few days have gone by and I'm starting to adjust to my new life in North Jersey. And by adjust I mean keep my head down and spend my time alone  in my room like I did at my last school.

On Thursday at school when I was getting changed in the locker room an orange haired girl walked up to me and started putting stuff in the locker. I was a little taken aback since I chose the cluster of lockers all the way in the back that no one has come to in the past 6 gym classes. 

"You're the new girl right?" She asks tying her shoes.

"I wonder what gave that away," I say in a sarcastic tone. 

"Ok sassy, I was just trying to strike up a conversation. My hame is Hayley what is yours?" she says sitting just smiling at me. She honestly seems genuinely kind and wants to get to know me. I finish putting my stuff in my locker debating if I want to make a friend or not. I figured it wouldn't hurt so I shut my locker and turn to look at her with a smile.

"Y/N," I say. 

"Well y/n, I think you and I are gonna get along just fine. Lets get into class before Ms. Z makes us do laps around the track," she says grabbing my hand dragging me out the locker room. 

Hayley and I talk all of gym class and we have actually so much in common. She loves movies and music as much as I do and she asked me to hang out at lunch to meet her friends who she is in a band with and then after school show me around town a little bit. It would be nice to find out some cool places to go and an actual decent coffee places. 

After English class I feel my phone buzz. 

Hayley 🎃: Hey I'm waiting outside ur class so we can walk together;)

Hayley...how did u get my number.

Hayley🎃: snagged ur phone while u were fumbling with ur tights. Hurry up I'm hungry. 

I hurry out of class and walk with Hayley to the cafe. If I'm being honest this is the first time I have come in here. I usually sit in the courtyard under a tree and listen to music. 

"Hey guys this is y/n," Hayley says extending her hands toward me. "Y/n this is Josh, Taylor and Hunter" 

They all wave and smile to me which I return as Hayley and I sit down. As lunch continues we start talking about school and bands that we like. The guys are actually just as nice and cool as Hayley and for the first time I actually feel comfortable at this school.

"Y/n you have to come to see us play soon!" Taylor says. 

"I would love to come. I'll be your guys groupie," I say and they all laugh. 

As we continue to talk the cafe doors sing open with a bang and the group from the first day and few others running in yelling. 

"They really know how make an entrance," Josh says as the short one beams over to our table while the rest of them go to the longest cafe table.

"Yoooooo Para-whores! Party at Gerard's girl's house tomorrow. Get your set together. You guys are on first!" He says grabbing one of Josh's chips. Josh grabs him by the neck and starts rubbing the top of his head messing up his hair.

"HEY WATCH THE HAIR MAN! I SPENT 30 MINUTES ON IT TODAY!!!" the short man yells trying to frantically fix it.

"That all you spent on it Iero?" Hayley says uncontrollably laughing at the situation.

"Shut-it Hayley and give me a mirror! Help a brother out!" he says running over to her while she slowly gets a compact out holding it up so he can fix it.

"You're lucky I like you Josh or you would be dead," he says after fixing his hair.

"Please Frank, all I have to do it put my hand straight out and I could stop you," Josh says eating his chips. The whole table laughs as the kid Frank just rolls his eyes.

"Also, Hayley sweet heart... will you get Andy and his band to play tomorrow. Pretty please," Frank says giving a puppy dog face.

"Hmmmm.... I'll see what I can do. No promises though," she says with a wink.

"F-CK YA! Hayley I love you. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Sound check is at 6 and you guys are gonna be on at 8:30," he says running over toward the massive group he came with.

"Who the hell was that," I say looking back to everyone.

"That was Frank he is part of MCR. They are the fan favorite of the school so the most popular," Hunter says pointing to all the guys in leather jackets. 

"Oh ya, I have seen them. They are kinda obnoxious," I say with a shrug. They all whip their heads toward me.

"That's cause you haven't heard them perform yet. Trust me, when you go to the party tomorrow you will understand," Hayley says.

"Wait whoah, I'm NOT going to a party tomorrow," I say.

"Yes you are!" they all said in unison. Before I would say anything I was cut off. 

"You promised you would go to our next gig so you don't have a choice," Taylor says.

"Ya y/n it will be fun trust me all the bands are gonna be so good you'll understand why our school works the way it does once you go," Hunter says.

"Ya wait can you guys like...explain what is up with this school. Like I haven't even seen one varsity jacket here," I say. I glance around the room in search for any sign of athlete.

"I mean we have an athletic department and people that are apart of it. It's just not anything cool or important here," Josh says. 

"Ok so explain the food chain people!" I say impatiently.

"Alright alright cool your jets! So you have to top dogs MCR which you apparently know about. They are the best out of all of us musically, if they don't make it then we can all kiss our dreams goodbye. Then you have Fall out Boy which are the 4 guys not in leather jackets that are with them. Then you have All American Rejects, they are at the table connected to them but Tyson isn't here today. Then you have us and Pierce the Veil. They are a year behind us and are pretty new but still shred," Hayley says. 

"So, popularity only comes if you are in a band and are actually good?" I asked.

"You got that right sugar," I hear a voice says behind me. I turn around to see the raven haired boy standing right behind me smirking down. 

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