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Song: Near- Bilmuri (i couldn't find a song and i have sat here for 3 hours and then this just came on and I was like 😐)

I pace my room debating on what to do. I know it's not my responsibility but between the texts and Mikey; FUCK. I thought about texting either one of them, but what would I say "hey guessing Gerard is drunk, and ya we hate each other but I have been hooking up with him on the low and I like him. So is he ok thanks"

Maybe if I go for a walk I would happen to pass the bar and see him?  No that's stupid it would be a 30-minute walk.

I walk down the stairs and put on my workout shoes...don't judge me I am just going for a night stroll. I open my door and as I am about to step out I hear whimpering. Confused I turn on the porch light to see Gerard curled up on my porch...crying? 

"Gerard?" I say leaning down to touch him. He covered his face with his hands and when I go remove them I see that there is blood on them. Scratch that they are COVERED. 

"Gerard! What the hell happened," I frantically try to remove his hands from his face but he doesn't budge, "Gerard I cannot help you until you speak to me."

He starts to cry more and I have no idea what to do. I sit down on the transition of the door and bring him close to me to try to soothe him. I look over at his house to see if anyone is awake and could help but no lights are on. 

"Fine, but we need to get you inside before someone sees us," I say trying to pull him inside with me. 

"Turn the lights off," is all he said. Luckily I can manoeuver through the house in the dark so I turn off the living room lights and guide him upstairs. Carrying a full-grown drunk man through a dark house is not easy let me tell you. I feel his wet hands rub up and down my arm as I guide him and I try to not gag as I know it's blood. 

We finally get to my room and I placed him in the desk chair because I don't know what state he is in and well the blood. 

"Can I turn on the light Gerard I need to see what happened," I ask the only light shining in through the window backlighting him. 

"You never answered," He says sadly.

"I know," I answer back. I don't know what to do hearing him so, broken makes me ache. I want to run over and kiss him and apologize. I want to tell him that I was an asshole and I am sorry I didn't know his past and how he is broken, but I can't. He wasn't the one who opened up to me, he shut me out. As a matter of fact, he has hurt me more than I have ever hurt him. 

"Y-you left," Gerard says as his voice cracks. I feel a tear slide down my face, never would I have expected this from him. 

"You gave me no choice," I answer, "what happened."

"This, everything that you see right now is what I have seen for the past three years," Gerard answers. 

"I don't understand Gerard," I say. I see him get up and I move back toward my bed unsure what he was going to do. He walks over toward the door and turns to me. 

"Close the curtains," he instructs. I don't respond but slowly walk over to the window and close them. Suddenly the light turns on but I don't turn around, scared of what I might see. 

"You wanted me to open up to you. You wanted me to see me for me? Well turn around and see for yourself," Gerard says with a mixture of pain and hatred. 

I take a deep breath and turn around looking at the ground. I feel myself start to shake and I squeeze my eyes shut before I quickly open them up to look at him. I immediately clasp my hand over my mouth and feel my eyes swell with tears. Gerard was standing there with a gash on his eyebrow.  One of his eyes is completely bloodshot, blood coming from somewhere on his forehead, he nose leaking blood. I can hear the blood hitting the wooden floors as he just looks back. 

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