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SONG: Breathing- Yellowcard

Today I decided that I needed to wash my sheets. It has been almost a week of my laying in them straight and even I am getting grossed out. I make my way down my stairs and hear banging on my front door. I decide to ignore whoever is out there because if it's Gerard, I can't face him and if it's anyone else then I don't want to talk about Gerard.

"Open the fucking door bitch or I'm picking the lock," I hear Hayley say. In all honesty, I'm kinda sad and bored so the thought of her picking my lock is kind of entertaining. I throw my laundry into the washer and grab a soda from the fridge. 

"FINE! HAVE IT YOUR WAY," Hayley says from the other side of the door. I sit on the couch and wait to see if she gets in. Obviously, I really don't have the choice in the matter when it comes to her so telling her to leave isn't going to do anything, at least I get to watch her struggle. 

"Fuck...god....what the hell....AGH...dumb bitch open," I hear Hayley saying as she messes with my doorknob. I giggle a little sipping on my soda and realize that it's the first time all week that I haven't been crying or in my own head. 

"You could have opened the door," Hayley says walking in.

"Now what the fuck? No calls? No texts? We literally thought that you got kidnapped!" Hayley says walking over slapping me in the arm. 

"OUCH!" I say grabbing onto my arm. Damn, she hits hard.

"I don't care how upset you were that night. You can't just go ghost in a fucking city with perverts and psychos! And then on top of it switch off your phone," Hayley says sitting on the love seat and facing me. I hike my legs up and wrap a blanket over me and rest my chin on my knees.

"I'm sorry. I just needed to get out of there," I say. Thoughts of that night replay in my head and I felt tears start forming in my eyes. 

"Ya well Tyson is a fucking dick for that and he has been feeling my raft all week. Have you spoken to anyone since that night," Hayley asks. I just shake my head no.

"Has Gerard tried to talk to you at all," Hayley asks. I just stare at the coffee table blankly and nod. I am trying to not care, to not want to see him, to not want to understand; I just don't know how strong I really am. 

"Hey, you know I love you. I am always on your side and I want what is best for you. I think that you should talk at least. You go to the same school and all" Hayley says grabbing onto my arm. I look over to her and she sends a caring smile. I smile back as a tear falls down my face.

"I can't do it. I can't face him Hayl's. I can't listen to another lie of his," I say. 

"Are you sure you know everything? Tyson obviously is trying to get under your guy's skin and break you apart. What if what you heard wasn't all of it," Hayley says. I move my arm away from her and sit back toward the couch.

"H-how can you say that? He literally said that he was PLAYING ME HAYLEY! What do you mean 'i don't know everything' I DO KNOW EVERYTHING! HE WON! He told me that he was going to make my life a living hell and he HAS," I say standing up. Hayley opens her mouth to say something but I just walk upstairs.

"Y/n! Wait!" Hayley says tailing behind me. I just close my door in her face and sit on my unmade bed. 

"Y/n come on you know I can pick locks and this conversation isn't done," Hayley says through the door.

"Well, I am done with it. You can see yourself out," I say.

"Well text me whenever you want to stop feeling sorry for yourself and want to do something about the situation," I hear Hayley says and start to walk away. 

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