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Song: whatever you want I threw some songs in the chapter if you want to use them!

As the night goes I can't stop thinking about what they are doing. I watch our 'secrete' groupchat blow up with conversation but I don't answer much; I emphasize a text or a haha here and there. 

Tyson: Hey I'm excited to see you tomorrow :) Do you want me to pick u up?

y/n: hold up let me ask when Hayley wants me over. 


y/n: hey girlie what time do u want me over tomorrow? tyson texted to see if I want him to pick me up but I didn't know what u were thinking. 

Hayley 🎃: I'm thinking that if u don't want to be ur own personal cock block then tell the boy to pick u up

y/n: ya but do u need help?

Hayley 🎃: this isn't my first party y/n I'll b fine just tell him yes!

y/n: ok..r u sure?

Hayley 🎃: jesus u don't even need Gee to do this for u anymore. TELL HIM YES.

y/n:....excuse me for trying to b a good friend.. maybe I won't come 

Hayley 🎃: if u stay w Tyson and bang then the whole point of the party would be null and the party wouldn't have needed to happen. So if u don't come for that reason then by all means don't come....but ya know come in different ways ;)


Hayley 🎃: *Britney's voice* prude

y/n: I'm going to get dirt on u and then NEVER let u live it down.

Hayley 🎃: good luck..I'm perfect

y/n: ya I know it's annoying. ANYWAY I'll text him back. gn paraWHORE

Hayley 🎃: gn Holy Mary

I throw music on to distract me from what is going on across the street. I sift through the pics that Frank sent trying to get a glimpse of what was going on. Frank sent a pic of him throwing the rock symbol up and Mikey was in the back looking at his phone holding a beer. Next, Frank tried to kiss Mikey who had his hand on Frank's lips pushing him away. Next, a pic of Frank kissing Ray's cheek who was smiling. I giggled and looked at the adorable pic.

"Goofballs," I say looking at it. I drift my eyes to the back of the pic; there was Gerard and Britney. Britney was sitting on his lap and he was looking up at her while his hands were wrapped around her, placed on the lower part of her hip. She had her head thrown back laughing at something while one of her friend's heads were caught in the frame laughing as well. 

My happiness turned sower. I have never seen Gerard really...happy? I mean I have seen him smile once or twice but this looks like he is a normal guy. THAT stings; not because Britney is the worst human to ever exist but because he looks so casual. He looks like any other boy his age hanging with his girlfriend and friends. Not the arrogant, moody, rude, self-centered musician that I always see. I close my phone and lay on my side curling up under the covers still listening to music. 

I'm reading Kerrang! as Everylong plays when I see light come from Gerard's room. His curtains are open...when did they open? I look seeing that Gerard and Britney have stumbled into the room all over each other. My eyes widen and I go back to looking at my magazine just..staring at it. I'm not reading because I can hear my heartbeat in my ears from witnessing...THAT. I look up toward my mirror at myself.

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