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Song: Birthday Bitch- Trap Beckham

After our shower that we go more dirty than clean in, I reluctantly had to leave. As I walk out Frank is running up the driveway with a hockey mask on with birthday hat, and balloons in hand. 

"Y/N IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! I'M 18!!!" Frank says jumping up and down in front of me while his balloons bob around. I giggle at the sight in front of me and I hear Gerard groan from behind me as I hear his lighter ignite. 

"Frank please I know it's your birthday but it's still early I don't have the energy yet," Gerard says taking a drag of his cigarette. 

"Ya well I can smell the sex radiating off you two so I know why you are exhausted," Frank says. I can't see his face through the mask but I know he is smiling ear to ear. I feel my face heat up and I look over to Gerard who doesn't seem fazed. 

"Ya well you are lucky that I am at least in a good mood," Gerard says wrapping an arm over my shoulder. 

"Did you guys use protection? Give me the juicy details, y/n was he good. Don't be shy and DON'T leave anything out," Frank says. 

"Come on y/n I'll walk you over to your house so Frank can find a filter," Gerard says kissing the top of my head and guides me to the other side of the street. 

"I will NEVER get a filter! EVER," Frank yells at us as we cross into the street. Gerard sticks up his middle finger and I hear a faint "ra-ude and to the birthday boy no less" as he runs into the house. I laugh and turn to face Gerard when we reach my porch. 

"What time are you and Hayley heading over," Gerard says stopping out his cigarette. 

"I am not sure, knowing Hayley we will be at yours exactly at 7," I say. 

"Ugh 8 hours alone with the birthday boy. How will I survive," Gerard says rubbing his eyes. 

"I think you can handle it Gee," I say patting his shoulders. 

"I coulddddd just hide in your house," Gerard says snaking his arms around the small of my back. 

"Ya Frank will come and find you," I say pecking his cheek, "now let me go." 

"I'm never going to let you go. And everyone is going to know your mine tonight now," Gerard says moving a piece of hair from my neck and touching a sensitive part. 

"You didn't!" I say. I quickly unlock my door and run to the family room mirror. I look at my neck to see a HUGE purple blotch taking up a good part of my neck.

"GERARD WHAT THE HELL," I say stuck looking at it. I feel arms arm around my hips and Gerard rests his head on my shoulder. 

"I didn't hear you complaining earlier," Gerard says pecking the bruise. 

"YA BUT I DIDN'T THINK THERE WOULD BE A MARK! ITS HUGE," I say back looking at him. 

"Hey, I'm not complaining about mine. I like it, little vampire," Gerard says. I turn around and he stretches his head to the side to show a long hickey going up his neck. I trace my fingers over it.

"See, now we are stuck with each other," Gerard says grabbing my hand and placing a kiss on it. I sigh and just accept that I am going to have to find a way to cover this up by tonight. 

"Ya ya whatever you already had me. Now the world is going to have to see I guess," I say. 

"I'll scream it from the rooftops if I have to," Gerard says smirking down. 

"Ok sap, leave me before you say something else out of your douche character," I say shooing him away. 

"Ouch! Y/n that hurt my feelings," Gerard says sticking his bottom lip out, "I think I'm going to need a kiss to make me feel better."

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