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Song: Be Alone-Actes (i literally couldn't find a song I wanted so really whatever)

"That isn't my problem," I say walking back into the kitchen to eat my toast.

"Y/n please I know that you aren't the biggest fan of him. I am scared if I am going to be honest I have never seen him this bad, not since," Mikey says but stops. 

"Since when," I say looking up from my toast. I see Mikey have an internal battle with himself for a minute, debating on whether he should tell me or not. He sighs and takes a seat next to me. 

"Gerard and I went to a different school before this. We weren't liked a lot and were bullied constantly. Gerard was in plays and liked comic books which I told you about before. But he fell into a depression, he stopped doing the things he loved and just existed. That didn't stop the bullying though, the only bright side we had was a single friend, Karly. She befriended us for some unknown reason. She was kind, talked to us, and actually got Gerard to reach out to Frank more. That's when we came to our school freshman year," Mikey says. 

"Ok but what does that have to do with now," I ask. 

"Well, things between Karly and Gerard didn't end up going well. After he lost her he became bitter, cold, and cynical. We had just started MCR and he threw himself into the music and it paid off. We started gaining cred throughout the school and Gerard from his depression started losing weight. Girls in school started paying attention to him and because he was so focused on being the best he didn't give girls the time of the day freshman year. You know how girls are, they want what they can't have even more and he was so angry so it made him 'mysterious'. He found that his depression and anger worked for him, and he just runs with it," Mikey says. I nod and take in what Mikey told me. I thought about how things would have been so different if I met them sooner; if I met Gerard before all of this. But that's all they were, thoughts. 

"I'm sorry that happened Mikey and I feel awful that you had to go through all of that. I just don't see how this has anything to do with me," I say. 

"When Gerard came home Sunday he went straight to his room and tore it apart. He ripped up all of his drawings and tore down everything from his walls. He has gone out alone every day this week after school and I have been called by the bar every night at 10 to come and get him because he was too drunk to stand. I know that it's a stretch and probably asking a hell of a lot from you, but could you try to see if you could talk to him? I know that you guys are not friends in any sort of the word but whatever happened Saturday is bothering him immensely," Mikey says with hopeful eyes. I want to help Mikey out, I can see that Gerard's actions are taking a toll on him and he looks exhausted and scared. If I was in his shoes I would be here asking for the same thing, but I not him. I begged Gerard to be with me, to do something, anything to show that he felt for me. He refused, so I am refusing to save him from the ledge. 

"I-I want to help you, Mikey, I really do. I just don't think I could do anything to help the situation. Gerard doesn't like me you know that, I think my interference will only aggravate him more," I say. It wasn't a full lie, from what they know ya I would cause more anger than help.

"Ya you are right I don't know what I was thinking. I was hoping that whatever happened Saturday was the reason for this outburst but maybe he has just really lost it. Sorry for bothering you I hope you feel better soon," Mikey sighs and walks out the door. I immediately feel guilt, I want to be there for Mikey and help. I just can't face Gerard. 

I lay around all day thinking about what Mikey said about their past. I wish Gerard would have just been honest with my at the time when I asked. If we gave me something to show he had humanity then I could forgive some of this, but he doesn't; so I can't. 

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