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A/N: Since it's the concert I added the songs that I would want them to play. So if you want to listen through the chapter be my guest ;) I played this song while I wrote this chapter as well. 

Before I could even comprehend what just happened between Tyson, Gerard, and me; Pierce the Veil came on. I ran the front when they were introducing themselves and to say I was ecstatic for them was an understatement because the crowd LOVED them. 



I'm Low on Gas and You Need a Jacket


Bulls in the Bronx


The crowd went absolutely crazy for them. I was told they were at the bottom of the food chain but omg they are so good. Vic really knows how to captivate a crowd.

They got off and I saw that Hayley and the rest of the boys were on next since they were heading backstage. Hayley told me before that she gets stage fright with bigger crowds and I could see it was affecting her right now. I saw Andy run backstage and I felt a sting of jealousy; I want someone to know how I feel and come to my rescue. Granted gold retrieve type of boys is not my type. I like a boy who loves my type of music as me, taller than me, has darker hair, light eyes, and gives me a challenge. I really don't think that is hard to conger up but in my life, it has been nearly impossible. 







I was upfront and center their whole performance, and they were just as good as Pierce if not better. Frank, Ray, and Mikey joined me upfront and we had such a good time. Weirdly enough I felt close to them as well. I felt comfortable around them which is strange considering I normally don't let people in or engage with others. Since coming to this school I am actually am starting feel excepted and even wanted; besides Gerard. 

Speaking of he ended up at the front with us along with Britney. She was grinding on him during the songs which at the sheer sight made me want to barf. I decided to ignore them and continue dancing with the guys and enjoying my friend's concert. Frank was going really hard with his dancing and ended up punching Ray accidentally in his....jewels. How he did I have no idea but it was so funny I had literal tears coming down my face. Frank apologized so many times but Ray just tried to play it off as if it didn't hurt.

After they performed I ran to the steps of the stage waiting for Hayley and the guys to come down. I run to Hayley when I see her and rap my arms around her neck pulling her into a hug.

"You guys were INCREDIBLE! Holy shit every single song was so good you guys are going to do so great in the future," I gushed at them. They just shyly smiled and thanked me as we walked back to the front of the stage. All American Rejects were next and in passing I wished Tyson good luck.

Once we got back to Frank Ray and Mikey there was a redheaded girl standing with them. She was small maybe 5'2 and was wearing blue jeans and a graphic tee. 

"Maddy! You made it," Hayley screamed and went to hug the girl. They were talking for a few minutes but I just talked with the boys while Gerard and Britney once again disappeared. After a few minutes, All American Rejects came on and introduced themselves. 

Move Along

Swing Swing Swing

I Wanna

It Ends Tonight


They were so good as well. God, I cannot pick who has had the best performance or whose music I enjoyed the most because they all have been killing it. Tyson was....well...sexy up on stage. His voice was different from what I expected in the best way possible. During I Wanna though he kept making eye contact with me which I tried to ignore and look other places or at our friends. It was super awkward considering his girlfriend was 3 people over from me. But would it make me a terrible person to say it turned me on? I have always wanted a singer to look at me during a concert and for it to be Tyson made it all the more enchanting. 

Next was Fall Out boy and by this time Tyson and the rest of the band had come to the front to stand with us. Maddy ran over and gave him a huge hug and kiss and gushed about how good they did up there. I was talking to Hayley and Andy when I heard an obnoxious voice come from behind me.

"Excuse me this area is for talent only. Go to the back with the rest of the losers," Britney shoves past me taking the spot I was on the barricade. Gerard followed suit standing next to Britney and Frank. 

"Hey that my stop," I saw stepping up to her. I don't really know why I am confronting her about this it is not really my normal attitude. I'm usually a pacifist and let things go but she has been nothing but obnoxious since day one and I think the liquid courage is getting the best of me. 

Gerard spins around first smirking as he takes a sip from his flask. Britney turns around putting her hands on her hip while the other pushed my shoulder.

"This is my fucking house so it's me, spot groupie. I don't know why you think that your presence is wanted or needed here. But I would pull your head out of your ass and realize that you're embarrassing yourself trying so hard to be one of us," Britney says. I have no idea what came over me at this moment. Maybe her trying to embarrass me in front of every but instead of replying I wound my fist up and punched her straight in the face.

Every one of our friends stopped and stared at what just occurred. 

"No...fucking....way," Frank gasps. "50 dollars Mikey."

Britney slowly turns her head back to face me showing her lip is bleeding. I wanted to punch her in the nose but I guess I missed.

"YOU WHORE! I WILL FUCKING END YOU!" Britney says lunging for me. Ray and Mikey held her back as she flailed around trying to break free. I look over to see Gerard laughing as he holds an upright cigarette in between his lips. I thought he would be mad about me hitting his girlfriend or going and see how she was but he just watched and seem to actually enjoy this?

Hayley is the next one to laugh followed by everyone else. This caused Britney to get even madder and Tyson stepped in to hold her back. After a minute she stormed off and Fall Out Boy came on stage. 


I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying

Dance, Dance

Sugar, We're Going Down

Thnks fr th Mmrs


A/N: Sorry I got too drunk last night and didn't finish writing this chapter. next chp is gonna be more spicey I promise

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