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Song: Close Your Eyes- All American Rejects (even though we don't Tyson) I have it written in when to play

I head downstairs and go straight to the kitchen where all of my friends were.

"Y/n I want you to meet Skylar," Hayley says pointing to the boy next to her. There stood a blonde 6ft man with an athletic build. He sends me a warm smile and we introduce ourselves. Game on Gerard.

"Rae are you ready to let Mikey take a body shot off of u," Frank says nudging the girl that was next to him; which she responds by knocking his drink over, "what did I do to you?"

Hayley goes first taking off her shirt and laying down on the table letting Andy take a tequila shot off of her. Maddy followed soot and then Rae went which Mikey shakingly did. 

"Well this is one way to get to know each other," Skylar says looking at me. I giggle and rip off my top and lay down on the table getting whistles from our friends. I think about Gerard for a second wishing it was him. I shake the thought and focus back on the moment.

"Ok Skylar you have to lick her from the bottom of her bra to her belly button so I can lay the salt down," Hayley says. I feel my cheeks start to burn as I stare at the light directly ahead of me. Skylar does just that and I feel goosebumps form as his tongue glides along my abdomen. Hayley gives me a lime wedge to put in between my teeth and proceeds to pour tequila into my belly button. 

The boys start counting down from 5 and I hear Gerard yelling from the other room pushing through people. Skylar sucks the alcohol out of my stomach and then licks the salt up and I watch. I see out of the corner of my eye someone storm into the room but Skylar comes to my lips sucking the lime out of my mouth. Without taking a second thought I pull Skylar down and kiss him; hard. 

"ohhh shittt HAHA GET IT Y/N," I hear Frank says and everyone one of our friends cheering us on. I feel Skylar's lips leave mine rapidly and I open my eyes to see Gerard have him by his collar. Before anyone could react Gerard socks him right in the jaw. 

"GERARD WHAT THE FUCK," Hayley screams leaning down to Skylar to help. I look at Gerard who was furious and I was terrified. He pulls me up off the counter and I try to squirm away from him. 

"Hey douchebag get the fuck off of me," I say pulling back on my upper arm that he is gripping. He shoves my shirt toward my chest and I grab it looking at all of our friends. They were all standing there with their mouths open stunned at what just occurred. 

"Gerard what are you doing we are all just having fun," Mikey says standing in front of Gerard and me. 

"Party is over, get everyone out," Gerard says looking over at Mikey, Ray, and Frank. They all look to me and then back to him and nod walking into the other room. 

"You are coming with me," Gerard says as he leads me toward the back door. As he reached for the door I finally break free making him snap his head around. 

~Start song now~

"Go to fucking hell! Don't ever come near me again Gerard," I say turning around to go back to the main part of the kitchen lifting my shirt over my head and placing it back on. As I reach the bright part of the kitchen I feel myself being suspended into the air and I squirmed around. 

"You are coming with me whether you like it or not sugar. That is a promise," Gerard says walking back toward the door. 

"Your words don't mean shit! PUT ME DOWN," I yell as he carries me in the backyard. Everyone has left the yard at this point and it was just me screaming and clawing at him to put me down. Gerard was so unaffected by what I was doing as he just keeps walking farther and farther to the back of the property. At this point, I had given up and just silently let tears stream down my face. 

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