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If I was in the middle of labor instead of an Epidural I would ask to see this picture and I think all my pain would go away.

Song: Sweetness- Jimmy Eat World

"I..ddoooonnn'tttt knew whert you aare talkin bout Gee I'm fine," I say as the cold air hit my face. It feels amazing and I suck in a few breaths trying to sober up. 

"Here drink this. I snagged it from a freshman, I promise it wasn't cracked," Gerard hands me a water bottle. I take a small sip seeing if it was actually water, it was. Within seconds I down the whole thing. 

"Damn sugar. I don't have another one," Gerard says pulling out a cig. 

"Did you break up with her," I ask. I have no filter at this point and I could care less; all I want to do right now is pounce on him and I can't do that in public if he has a girlfriend; I'm getting close to saying fuck it though. Metaphorically and figuratively. 

"No, I didn't want to cause a scene during the dance. After I will," Gerard says. 

"I don't believe you," I say. Don't spill the beans that you know about him dating her because of her dad; don't spill the beans that you know about him dating her because of her dad. 

"Sugar, relax ok. You're the only girl for me. I just need to find a quiet time to do it. You will be my girl by the end of the night," Gerard says kissing the top of my head. Aw he is sooooo cute; and so fucking hot oh god I need sex. Like now. 

"Hey Gee can I bum a- oh...helloooo y/n," I hear a voice say. I immediately push off of Gerard and turn around to see Frank. FUCK FRANK NO HE IS THE BIGGEST BLABBER MOUTH.

"F-frank uhm it's not what it looks like. Gerard had me in a choke hold I thought he was going-" I start to stammer.

"Relax home wrecker. I already know about your little secret thing," Frank says holding his hand out toward Gerard. Who nods and puts a cig in his hand. 

"Ya little fucker saw us last Saturday. He didn't say anything so we are chilling, he the only one that knows," Gerard says. 

"Ya....so. Can I be the god father," Frank says. I groan and Gerard pulls a fist back causing Frank to flinch and I laugh. 

"For real though. I am happy for you two gorgeous fucks. If I would want any fucked up and hot chcik to happen I would put you guys at the top of the list. But y/n and I first," Frank says winking at me. Gerard moves in front of me causing Frank to run away screaming 'I was kidding! I was kidding!' I laugh as Gerard runs after him and tackles Frank in the parking lot. 

"Are you fuckers ready for the after party," Hayley comes out taking a swig of Andy's flask. I had sober up enough at this point to be functional but defiantly will have to wait a while for my next drink. 

"Gerard! Where have you been! I had to see my friends alone! It was so embarrassing," Britney comes out in a wave of annoyance.

"Frank was being an annoying piece of shit, had to deal with him," Gerard says with Frank's neck locked under his arm. 

"Let me go! My birthday is in 2 1/2 hours!" Frank screams as Gerard lets him go.

"Ok Y/n you are coming with Andy, Ray, Mikey, Rae, and I," Hayley says, "Gerard and Britney you are going to have to take Frank and Jade. Fall out and PTV are going to meet us there."

We drive over to some random's house that I couldn't even remember the name. The house is so packed that I am surprised that we can fit into. 

Franks POV:

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