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Song: Shine (Onto Me)- Wayside

"Do you want to talk about him," Hayley asks while we are on the highway.

"Do I? No. Will you talk about him anyway. Ya" I answer.

"Ya well, what are you going to do now? He has completely gone off the walls," Hayley says. I filled her in on last night already after I flipped him off leaving. 

"Not my problem anymore. I am here to support you guys now can we not talk about Satan," I say. 

"Yes ma'am," Hayley says. 


We make it to the hotel room and we get changed into our outfits before meeting everyone at the venue. 

There were even more people here tonight and some people were actually wearing homemade bands shirt. 

"Omg this is awesome you guys are getting fans," I say latching onto Hayley's arm. As we walked by people were cheering from the line and I saw her shyly smile and just wave as we walked by. 

As I looked at all the shirts I saw more MCR shirts than others. Bittersweet feelings washed over me, a week ago I would have been over the moon for them. For the rest of the guys I am happy, they deserve it. Seeing Gerard getting a lot of attention, and most of the shirts being on girls made me realize that soon enough, I will be a distant memory. He already wants nothing to do with me and now that they are not even having to play tonight because they have a contract, his words of me being insignificant are raining true. I push these thoughts back and try to stay positive for my friends. 

I walk over to the bar while Paramore, PTV, Black Veil, and Fall Out go and talk with the man ruining this show. I nervously tap my foot, flashbacks of Tyson embarrassing me play into my mind, and having to see him again tonight is not sound too fun right now. I hope that because of the number of people here I won't have to see him, but knowing him he will make a point to rub his victory in my face. 

"Whatever she is having make it two. I'm going to need it," Hayley says coming to sit next to me at the bar. 

"When are you guys playing," I ask. 

"4th. Literally, that is the worst time because it's a lull period. It is hard to keep everyone motivated and charged up. That guy is literally praying for our downfall. Fuck that sexist pig, he defiantly did it because I am the only lead singer that is a girl," Hayley says. 

"Well, you are just going to have to prove him wrong now aren't you," I say lifting my glass towards her. She smiles at me and clinks it. 


Falls out Boy was first and they killed it as usual. I saw a few shirts out for them but I think after their performance they will defiantly get more. What is nice is that they are recording all of these sets and people can buy CDs after the gig and all the money goes toward the bands. 

Two local bands were next that were good I just have never heard of them. I gave Hayley a reassuring thumbs up from the crowd as she was standing on the side of the stage. 

"What's up fuckers! We are Paramore. This first song is called Emergency," Hayley says into the mic. 

Their whole set went seamlessly and no one in the crowd walked off to go to the bathroom or get a drink like she was nervous about. They were going crazy and a few people were begging for her to come over to them while she was singing. When she obliged they all fangirled out and I saw Hayley try not to smile while she was singing. I am really proud and happy for her, she deserves all the attention for being such a badass friend and vocalist. 

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