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Song: The Jetset life is going to kill you- mcr for @-bushez getting four trophies 

Currently, I am pacing around my room waiting for Gerard to text me that he is walking over to get me for our date. I don't know why I am so nervous right now. We have literally been inseparable since we started hooking up, why do I feel like this is the first time. I also can't stop thinking about Gerard and my relationship. I know how I feel for him, I know he somewhat cares about me. But what does he want this to be? After tonight are we dating? Do I call him my boyfriend? 

Satan: Hi sugar just going to hop in the shower real quick and then I'll be over to get you. 

y/n: ok

Satan: can u change my contact name now

y/n: y it suits u

Satan: No it doesn't :( make it Gee 🖤

y/n: ugh fine only bc you are so cute

Gee 🖤: thanks sugar. I am walking out now

I grab my bag and head downstairs to let my Dad know that I am leaving. I open the door and Gerard is standing there with flowers. 

"Aw Gee they are beautiful," I say grabbing them. 

"I want to introduce myself to your dad," Gerard says. I look over at him trying to contain my shock. I really didn't take Gerard as the 'meet the parents' type of guy but it does make me happy that he wants to. I nod and move to the side to allow him to come in. I call for my dad who is making dinner in the kitchen. 

"Dad this is Gerard. He lives across the street," I say as Gerard extends his arm out for him. 

"Oh yes, you're Donna's son. Lovely woman," My dad says smiling at Gerard. My dad is super easy going and he doesn't have a mean bone in his body. 

"I just wanted to say that I really care about your daughter and wanted to properly introduce myself," Gerard says looking between my dad and me. I feel a smile creep onto my face at his comment to my dad. 

"Well, I appreciate it. You two have fun tonight. Don't stay out too late," My dad says and we walk to the front door. We say goodbye to my dad and Gerard opens the car door for me before walking to his side. 

"Thank you," I say. 

"It's just a door sugar," Gerard says backing out of the driveway. 

"Not for that. For introducing yourself to my dad. You didn't have to do that and I appreciate it," I say looking over to him. 

"Yes, I did. I meant what I said to you last night. I want to do this right, I want to be a proper boyfriend to you. Ya know I never even wanted to introduce myself to Britney's parents, I only did it because I wanted her dad to know about MCR," Gerard says as we drive to wherever we were going. 

"Why," I ask.

"Why what? Did I not want to introduce myself to her parents?" Gerard asks looking over at me. 

"No. Why do you want to do this properly? I mean why me? You once told me that you wanted my life to be a living hell" I ask. Truthfully I haven't wrapped my mind around this. He hated me at first and wanted everything bad to happen to me. Now all of a sudden he wants to introduce himself to my dad. I look over to him and see him grip the wheel a little harder with a pained look in his eyes. 

"I didn't want to admit it to myself. I felt it the moment I laid eyes on you that there was something there. I just liked the way my life was, I liked not carrying about others. I liked hurting people because I knew that they wouldn't do anything about it. After I saw you with Tyson I didn't like the thought of someone else having you. So I did what I normally do, I took what I wanted. I just wasn't ready to let you in," Gerard says grabbing my hand, "but you tore your way into my heart anyway."

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