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The song that y/n is dancing to: All over you- the spill canvas AND Wrapped up- Bristol to memory

After Mikey and Gerard, I have been laying in my bed, unsure what to do. I turn to music instead of a movie to dance out my stress.

I hear the guitar come in and strum along "Ya he's a looker, but I really think that it's guts that matter most" I sing along dancing around. My dad has an overnight shift so I decided sneaking into the wine collection wouldn't hurt. I'm one bottle down so far and the only thing that I have eaten is what Mikey and I split so I am feeling it.

" I gotta feel you in my bones again. I'm not over you. I'm not over you. I wanna taste you one more time again. I'm all over you. I'm not over you" I sing on top of my bed rubbing my hands over my body feeling the music. Wow, I feel even better than I did at the concert.

"Why can't you just LOVEEEE me back," I scream. I jump off my bed continuing my guitar riff

" I gotta feel you in my bones again. I'm not over you. I'm not over you. I wanna taste you one more time again. I'm all over you. I'm not over you"  I scream bobbing my head a strumming along. I know I can't actually play or sing but I feel like Hayley right now and I'm not going to stop.

As this song fades out my heartbeat is up from all the singing and jumping around. How the fuck do they all do this at a concert. I almost sit back when I hear Wrapped Up.

"You got me wrapped up in my head. You tell me its what you wanted. WELL BABY YOU GOT IT! Like you said. You got me wrapped up in MY HEADDDDDD," I scream at the top of my lungs. God this feels so fucking good.

I continue through the song screaming and playing air guitar and I hear my phone ring Hayley 🎃.

"Hey what's up," I say kinda breathless from all the jumping around. 

"Uhhhh WHAT'S UP? Bitchney literally dropped her food on your head and you didn't let me do shit about !?" Hayley screams. Oh fuck....I forgot about that...haha...I'm hammered. 

"Oh ya well Mikey stayed with me after and he cheared me up. I'm over it now she can suck my dick," I reply back flopping on my bed. I am looking at the ceiling and start to feel nascious. 

"Wait..Mikey stayed with you all afternoon? AND YOU DIDN'T CALL TO TELL ME?" Hayley screams once more.

"Ya well after Gerard bardge into my house and completely made it weird I decided to have a wine night and I have been dancing around. It slipped my mind," I reply.

"Wait what the hell is going on why did Gerard break into your house"

"Because he is a control freak that sucks the fun out of any situation"

"Oh god, you are fucking drunk. Listen the real reason I called was that Gerard asked for all the bands to come over tomorrow but Tyson said he had plans. I think Gerard is at Tyson's right now because I can see his bike," Hayley replies. 


"AND when Gerard shows up at your house because of a text that normally isn't a good thing," Hayley says, "thought you would want to know if your boyfriend gets killed."

"Gerard is not my boyfriend he is mean and is with the whore of the school and is popular. Ya he is hot and probably realllyyyy good in bed or whatever but not my type," I reply.

"....I was talking about TYSON...girl we have school in the morning eat some bread and drink a Gatorade," Hayley says hanging up.


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