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(Author's pov)..

It's already been a month since taehyung started to work in 'The Vintage' . Everything was fine untill now except eunji's health,it didn't worsen but it's not better too,she was under Doctor's treatment, taehyung was hoping for the best...

(The Vintage)..

After his performance taehyung was casually roaming around in club,when he suddenly got bumped into someone..

Hey beautiful finally i found you,i was searching for you desperately...!(a middle age man spoke creepily..

Umm excuse me sir,but do you need anything..?(taehyung asked getting confused..

Yes i need something very important from you,i need You...!(that man said huskily near taehyung's ear.

Sorry sir but please give me a side ,i have to go...!(taehyung trying to be calm asked that men..

Ohhh baby, fun is about to begun,nd you are trying to leave not fair beauty...!(men spoke trying to touch taehyung's cheek..

Be in your limit sir,you are crossing your line, don't touch me...!(taehyung said, trying to get away from the men..

Ohh babe , what will you do see i am touching you, infact i wanted to touch you from the time i saw you..!(that men said disgustingly...

ENOUGH...!(saying this taehyung , tightly slapped on that jerk's cheek..and jungkook who was passing by saw taehyung slapping that men..

What's going on here...?(Jungkook asked..

Oh Mr Jeon, thank god you came I was just going from here, this slut purposely got bumped with me and than this bloody omega started to get clingy with me, when i tried to free myself from him ,he slapped me...!(that man replied..

Taehyung i am asking to you what happened here?why did you slapped him..?(jungkook asked once again..

He was trying to touch me inappropriately, without my consent, that's why i slapped him...!(taehyung said proudly....

So you just slapped him..?(jungkook asked

Huh..?(taehyung asked,he thought that ,like his ex-boss jungkook too will scold him nd fire him nd he was mentally prepared for it..

I asked why you just slapped him if he touched you inappropriately,you should have beaten the shit out of him...!(saying this jungkook too slapped that men..

How dare you Mr Jeon? I am a permanent customer here and also a reputed business man,how could you just slap me, believing a whore..!(men said holding his cheek..

Really you call yourself reputed,you are not even 1% near to be a human,if you want to fuck aroud go find some C grade motels not my club,not my Vintage got that,now leave before i call my guard's to threw you out,
'OUT' and don't ever come back here again..!(jungkook spat angrily,nd that men seeing Jungkook this angry walked away from there hurriedly..

yung, TAEHYUNG..!(jungkook shouted to be bring taehyung out from his daze..

Yes yeah..!(taehyung spoke ..

I am asking are you alright..?(jungkook asked..

Yes i am fine, Thank you so much Mr Jeon for taking my stand,i thought like other's you too will blame me for being an omega,but i guess i was wrong this time,thank you so much..!(taehyung said gratefully..

Ahh no need,i started to know you this bit taehyung, working with you from last month had changed my perception regards you, I know you can die for your self respect but will never stoop this low..!(jungkook spoke making taehyung smile widely after long time,and jungkook was once again mesmerized seeing taehyung's beautiful smile..

Okay Mr Jeon i should take a leave now...!(taehyung spoke..

Ummm if you want i can drop you home, actually it's taxi's strike today...!(Jungkook said to tae..

But I wasn't going to home...!(taehyung replied biting his lips...

Ohh if you don't mind me asking,where were you about to go..?(kook asked with hesistancy..

I was going to hospital,to see my grandma..!(taehyung replied..

Alright,mind if i join..?(jungkook asked with hope..

If it won't bother you than sure...!(taehyung replied..

That's great than let's go..!(jungkook said excitedly..

Yeah let's go but first let me change, I can't go in this getup at hospital you know..!(taehyung replied.

Oh yeah my bad, you go i will wait for you,here only..!(jungkook said showing his bunny smile..

To be continued..


Hey my lovelies new update for you my loves,hope u enjoy it, do read vote and comments 💜💜💜..

Who do you think will fall first, taehyung or jungkook..??

Love Saddy 💜

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