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I loved watching Dylan act. You can tell how much he loves it. Right now he was filming a fight scene with Tyler Posey.

It wasn't a werewolf fight. In the scene, Liam figured out Scott was holding something big from him.

It was an emotional scene. They had fake rain coming down while the two spoke.

Cody was standing behind Sprayberry while Dylan O'Brien stood behind Tyler.

Even behind the rain, I could see the tears in Sprayberry's eyes.

I'm not going to lie, I had tears in mine as well. "I didn't lie to you, Liam." Tyler spoke.

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Sprayberry yelled at him. I could see his lip start to quiver.

"I thought we were brothers, Scott." I silently suck in a breath.

I could see Ashton tear up next to me. Dylan's acting is phenomenal right now. And I'm so happy I get to see it in person.

I can't wait to see it edited. "We are." Tyler sadly told him. Sprayberry shook his head towards him.

"Obviously not. I can't do this knowing Theo and I did all of this for nothing." He gave him a sad look.

And he walked out of frame like what he was supposed to. "And cut!" The boys instantly got out of character.

"That was amazing. I'll see you guys again for another night shoot." These night shoots have been killing me.

We started them Monday and it's currently Wednesday. It's been a week and a half since Ashton told me Colby was coming.

And I've been on edge ever since. I think Cody and Dylan have noticed but they think it's cause of the lack of sleep.

We're working nights this week to try to work on the night shots. This week, they're working on this big fight scene.

They went over it on Monday but didn't start filming until yesterday.

They want us here around eleven and get done around four in the morning. Sprayberry walked over to me.

He was drenched from the fake rain. "That was amazing." I complimented him. I could see his face turn red a little bit.

"Thank you, Stella. But I'm freezing." He laughed. I could see the water droplets falling onto the floor.

He was lightly shaking as he stood in his wet hair. "Let's get you into some dry clothes." I laugh a little.

I get up from my chair and we go over to his trailer. Since it was almost five in the morning, it was still dark outside.

"You really think I did amazing?" He asked with a small smile. I nodded as I looked at him.

He had his arms wrapped around himself to keep himself warm.

"Of course Dyl. Would I lie to you?" I ask with my eyebrow raised. "You have lied to me before."

I looked at him in shock. Trying to figure out what he was talking about. "When?" I ask which caused him to smirk.

I knew this was bad. "When you said O'Brien was the hottest Dylan." I scoff towards him even though he was right.

I did think he was hotter than O'Brien. But he doesn't need to know that. We get into his trailer and he instantly took his shirt off.

I've seen him down to his underwear since he's not shy about that stuff.

He changes into his basketball shorts and muscle tee while I plug in my hair dryer.

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