Chapter 34

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Eric was with Bill dealing with the rest of the vampire witch situation while I took Godric home for the night. Eric assured me he would be home after everything was cleared up and settled. I was just glad that all this was almost over, and we could all breath again. Lafayette was asleep and Sookie still wasn't home from what I assumed was work, but I was starting to get a bad feeling and needed to call her.

I just closed Godric's bedroom door when I heard a gunshot from downstairs. Lafayette opened the door and looked at me before we both ran downstairs as fast as we could. I had a worse feeling right before I heard Sookie yelling for help. We came into the kitchen and saw Tara on the floor, gunshot to the head, blood everywhere.

"No! Fuck no!" Lafayette yelled as we both rushed to do something, even though nobody had any idea of what to do. "Tara, don't fucking do this to me."

"Debbie tried to kill me and she jumped in the middle." Sookie said. Lafayette tried doing cpr.

"Eric?" I heard Pam's voice from the front of the house. "We need to talk."

"Pam? I asked and she was in front of us.

"Color me impressed. You guys know how to party."

"Eric's not here. Get out of my house." Sookie said.

"You mean Eric's house." Pam corrected.

"Pam." I snapped and she looked at me. "Not now."

"I need to talk to Eric."

"God damn it, Pam, please." Sookie begged.

Fine. If you see him, tell him- tell him I'm sorry." Then she went to leave.

"Hold up! Hold up!" Lafayette stopped her. "Turn her for us."

"What?" Sookie and I both asked.

"Turn her? I don't even like her." Pam said.

"Lafayette Tara hates vampires." Sookie said.

"First thing she'd do is kill us for it." I said.

"Bitch she took a bullet for you. You really gonna deny her a chance to live?"

"I can't be the only one who's noticed she's missing half her head, now can I?" Pam said. "Even if I tried, what's to say she won't rise up out of the ground tomorrow night completely and utterly fucktarded?"

"You have to try." Sookie said.

"Are we sure it's a good idea?" I asked.

"Bitch are you getting any bad vibes from this?" Lafayette asked me.

"I mean no but-"

"Then that's all I need." I looked at him for moment before turning to Pam.

"I'll talk to Eric about what happened at the shop." Pam looked at me. "I'll get him to forgive you. I promise."

She then walked over, bit into her wrist and started by giving Tara her blood. I cleaned my hands up and went upstairs to check on Godric. Luckily he was still fast asleep. I grabbed the monitor and brought it out with me as Sookie, Lafayette, and I went and dug a whole big enough for Pam and Tara. Pam changed into a terrible granny sweat suit and laid in the dirt. 

"Give me the girl." Then we buried the both of them. Sookie and Lafayette cleaned up the kitchen and the body that Sookie told me was Debbie. I went upstairs and packed some things before grabbing Godric. I didn't want him to stay here if wolves came looking for Debbie, or if something goes wrong with Tara so I went to stay with Jason. Only problem I found there was telling him and Jessica to keep it down.


3rd POV-

Eric and Bill successfully blew the car up and escaped the trunk, before they could run however Hayes stopped them.

"Who wants to die first?" He asked pointing the gun at the two. When suddenly he burst into blood and pieces.

"You Hayes. You die first." Said the woman who staked him. She was looked i bit rough from the crash but otherwise was just fine.

"Nora." Eric said as he moved over to embrace her.

"Friend of yours?" Bill asked.

"It's my sister, actually." Eric corrected.

"All I get is a hug now?" She asked him.

"I have much to tell you."


Thye walked up the peer as they filled each other in on the situation.

"The Guardian wanted Nan followed to make sure she carried out his orders. I saw an opportunity to save Eric, so I took it." Nora explained.

"So nobody in the Authority knows about your relationship?" Bill asked.

"And they never will. We were only connected through our maker. And Godric is gone." Nora said.

"There is still much to discuss on the topic." Eric said. He knew Nora was curious about what Eric had meant before. Why he wasn't as affectionate as he had been. He wanted to tell Nora all about Evie and their son. 

"As a chancellor of the Authority, I mean, you're taking a huge risk." Bill said. "Why would you-"

"Because I'd do anything for Eric." Nora stated.

"And I would do anything for you."

"And because you did what you did protecting us from necromancers. That we would reward you for it with the true death speaks volumes about how out of step the Authority's current agenda is. I'm not alone in this belief."

"Factions within the Authority?" Bill asked. Nora confirmed this and they continued. Going to a shipping container they would use to go to ground that day.

"Nora there is something I need to tell you before we rest." Eric said and Nora looked at him. "I've found someone. Someone I love very much." He told her.

"A human?" She asked.

"A fairy-hybrid actually. Evie. We recently had a son."

"A son? How is that possible?"

"It's complicated, but he is my biological son. With her suggestion he is named after Godric."

"She knew Godric?"

"She was with him when he died. In the short amount of time they knew each other they became very fond of one another. He asked her to look after me." he gave a little chuckle thinking back to the conversation they had.

"I am happy for you Eric. This girl must be special."

"She's everything."


I am so sorry this took so long. I made so many posts about how I was gonna write and I just never did. I'm trying very hard to get back into writing. I do want to be honest because I'm not sure how often I'm going to update right now. I have been struggling very hard with my mental health and have been in and out of the hospital so much, writing has just felt like a chore rather than my biggest and most loved hobby. I hate that I've felt that way and I'm trying very hard in my recovery to get back into it. I have not given up on any of my stories and have another I'm planning on starting once I'm able to. I'm prone to doing several projects at a time as it keeps me from getting bored so maybe adding a new one will help as well. I don't know but it's worth a try. I added the pic of baby Godric, I've had that saved on my computer since the beginning and I'm so happy to show it to you guys. I hope you liked the little peak of Eric talking about Evie to Nora and I really hope you all can forgive me for my mile long absence. I hope everyone is doing well and is happy and healthy!

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