Chapter 6

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Sookie fell to her knees as I covered my mouth in shock. Suddenly I felt sick and rushed outside before getting sick. I sat on the ground trying to breath. I was telling myself no. No this didn't happen, this couldn't happen. I felt numb to the world.

Before I knew it Bill was here, Sam was here, and someone had called the cops. I sat next to my sister, barely being able to be inside this house. I couldn't take the emotions everywhere. I couldn't focus enough ignore them.

"Why don't you girls go upstairs and lie down?" Sam said to us. "There's gonna be here a while." I noticed Sookie spacing out towards the kitchen. She must be having some trouble with hearing thoughts too. "Sookie." Sam snapped pulling her back to us.

"Maybe I could, use a little air." Sookie said. She got up and left, followed by Sam.

Wasn't long before the cops wanted to point fingers at Bill. Bill knew that whoever this was, was targeting people involved with vampires. Andy and Bud were sure it was Bill due to that fact though.

"It wasn't Bill God dammit." I snapped and walked over to them.

"And why is that Evie?" Andy asked.

"A vampire wouldn't kill people of use to them. The two girls, let vampire's feed on them. If a vampire was going to kill them, they would have, when bitten. As for my grandmother, Bill had no reason to. She was older, she fed him, took him in. Plus, why kill a loved one of a girl he's trying to form a relationship with? She just doesn't fit the victimology."

"As I have said to these gentlemen before." Bill said. "Mrs. Stackhouse was not the intended target."

"Then who was?" Bud asked.

"Me or my sister." They all looked at me. "Well this whole town knows that my sister is close to Bill, and I'm sure words gotten around that I've been to that vampire bar a few times. People knew I went with Dawn, who was also killed."

"The killer was probably here looking for the girls and their grandmother was here instead." Bill said.

After that the moved Gran's body and I went outside with Bill, and met up with Sookie and Sam.

"Sookie, you and Evie might wanna go sleep at a friend's house. Someplace less isolated." Andy old her.

"I'm not going anywhere." Sookie said immediately. 

"Sookie, perhaps-" Sookie cut Bill off.

"No. This is my house. I'm staying right here." Then they came through with Gran and put her in the van.

"I'm truly sorry about your grandmother." Bud said to us.

"Are yall done in there? Cause I'd like to clean up. If that's alright?" Sookie said.

"Alright then. You call us, first sign of anything." Bud told us as he went to leave.

"Keep an eye on 'em." Andy told Sam as he followed behind.

"I will." Sam told them.

"They're right." Bill said. "You two should not stay here."

"I agree." Sam said. "You girls can have my trailer, I'll sleep at the bar."

"We're as safe here as anywhere." Sookie said and I just stayed quiet. "Besides we got both of you to protect us right?"

"Sookie, I have to go." Bill said.

"Course." Sookie told him. "It's almost dawn."

"And I will come back."

"I can take it from here." Sam said walking close to the two. Bill looked at my sister who told him she was fine, and he left.

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