Chapter 13

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Collin and Sophia stay in the clearing for another hour, until both Collin and Sophia are both physically and emotionally exhausted. Collin practically carried Sophia all the way back to the fort so that they could finish studying.

"Let's do that again some other day." Sophia mumbles.

"We can, but not today, we still have to study for the Biology test."

"OK." Sophia replies sullenly.

"You know, next time, I think we should wait until after we finish studying." Collin said, observing Sophia.

"Ugh but it takes FOREVER to study!" Sophia complained.

"Yes, I know," Collin said consoling Sophia. "But if we don't then no more of that."

"Ugh! " Sophia said. "You know how to make me do what you want."

Smiling, Collin replied, "Yes, yes I do."

About an hour later, Sophia and Collin trudge back through the woods to go to her house. Sophia stops Collin on the outskirts of the woods and warns him.

"Here's a fair warning, you are going to be bombarded with questions from my family. Thought you might want a warning."

"That's very kind of you, my fair princess." Collin responds lovingly.

"Yeah, yeah give me a break." Sophia responds coolly.

"Never!" Collin retorts playfully. "I will never give you a break!"

"Yeah, OK." Sophia says.

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