Chapter 26

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Sophia walked over to the table where Collin and her normally sat.

"Get out your computers!" Ms. Wall says to the class. "We are going to start by taking the test on Cell Division."

"Yes!" Sophia says aloud, earning a couple of glares from Ettie and Miranda.

"You will have 45 minutes to complete this test. Remember, this is not an open note test!" Ms. Wall reminds the class. "You can start now."

Sophia gets to the test tab and starts taking the test. She managed to answer everything but the one extended response question in 15 minutes. She stared at the screen, when she remembered what the question was actually looking for in the answer. In the blank space, she typed her answer, and then hit the submit button.

"Finally," she thought to herself, "I have finished the test. Now I can try and talk to Collin."

She went on to Zoom, and pulled up her chat she had with Collin.

"Hey Collin!" she typed to him.

"What is it?" he typed back.

"I want to talk about last night." she replied,

"Not right now. Stop bothering me already."

"No, it's right now."


She was about to send, "Look, I didn't break up with you!" But then, I noticed the message on the screen. Collin had blocked her on Zoom!

"That's bad," Sophia thought, "I need to find some way to talk to him."

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