Chapter 37

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"Sophia! Are you there?" Collin asks, shouting into the darkness.

"Yes, I am right here." a voice said from behind him, making him jump.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" Collin scolded her as she slowly stepped out of the shadows.

"Shame, it's so easy and fun!" Sophia said, a playful grin on her face as she walked closer to him.

"I am going to get you for that!" Collin growled playfully, running towards Sophia.

"Well, you will have to try harder than that." Sophia said as she turned and hurried off into the woods.

"I am going to catch you!" Collin yelled.

"I really doubt it." Sophia's voice retorted back, "I know this forest so much better than you do!"

"True, but I can follow the sound of your voice!" Collin said, listening for her beautiful voice.

He trudged on for 5 more minutes, worried that he was getting lost, but more worried for Sophia. "I really hope Sophia is OK. I don't know whe-"

His sentence was cut off as he tripped over a log. He fell onto his stomach, and as he was getting up, he was covered by a shadow. 

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