Chapter 39

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After a long pause Sophia asks, "So, now what?" looking at Collin.

"Well, despite this being rather an awe-inspiring moment..." Collin looks down at the ground, "I'd prefer if we were in a dryer and less dirt place." He laughs lightly.

"True, but do you think this will ever happen again?"

"Nothing and I mean it! Nothing will happen again Sophia." Pausing, "Meaning, it's always slightly or completely new every time." Collin looks at Sophia caringly.

"I know, but do you think that you really should waste this amazing opportunity?"

Collin pauses to think and decides to sit each other down towards the moon. He wraps his arm around her and brings her in closer.

"... maybe."

"If you want, I have a blanket in my fort, and I can go and grab it."

"Said not to waste it -- well, OK! I'm following you though."

"Fine," Sophia gets up and offers her hand to Collin. He takes and they both make their way back to the fort over the glimmering moon. They soon approach the clearing of the fort and Sophia grabs the blanket. Collin looks up and sighs...

"Back to where we came from?" Glancing towards the way they came from.

"Hmm... Where do you want to go?"

"Home... Joking! How about we... go back?"

"OK, I am fine with wherever you want to go." Sophia starts off back the way they had just come. Collin takes pursuit and they soon make it back.

"So, now what?" Sophia asks, laying the blanket down on the ground.

Collin looks down and starts to grin as the gear in his brain starts to turn. He squats down and picks up Sophia suddenly! Then, he sat down, with Sophia on his lap.

"That's what."

"Hmm, OK." Sophia says, looking up at Collin happily.

He looks towards Sophia happily, especially because she was enjoying this as well. "Then!" He pauses dramatically, "did I mention you look prettier than ... a blooming buttercup. Hm, cuter perhaps daresay!"

"So, what should we do now?" Sophia asks.

He looks down and lifts Sophia closer to his head. "Lest we waste." He supports Sophia's head and brings it closer to gently land a kiss on the forehead. After what was an eternity, Collin kissed Sophia with intense passion and fiery. No, this won't be wasted. He wouldn't let it be. In their eyes, moonlight kissed.

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