Chapter 42

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"Well... Now what?" Sophia asks, looking confused.

Collin looks at Sophia, "Well, for starters, you could tell me about who he is."

"Wait, are you jealous?" Sophia asks, looking at Collin quizzically.

Collin looks surprised at Sophia, "Nuh-uh, just wondering who he is since he literally fell from the sky y'know!"

"Well, he didn't fall from the sky, he just happened to be walking and stumbled upon us! And why do you want to know who he is?" Sophia asks, trying to figure out Collin's reasoning.

Collin pressures, "Well, the real question is how he happened to stumble upon us!"

"Well..." Sophia's voice goes up an octave.

Collin asks confused, "Well what...?"

"Nothing!" Sophia says, looking at the ground.

Collin looks at Sophia concerned, "What's wrong? I won't judge you for it."

"Nothing," Sophia says, still staring at the ground.

"That's alright," Collin puts his hand on her shoulder. "Still don't know what to do though..."

"Well, we can go back to sitting again." Sophia says, motioning to the blanket.

Collin looks over, "That sounds good. Yep.." Collin pulls Sophia over to the blankets and lay down towards the sky.

"I am so sorry you had to meet Cai like that." Sophia says, snuggling up against Collin.

Collin wraps his hand around her, "It's OK, life throws curveballs right? Plus, he seems... interesting enough."

"He is, I think you'd like him."

"Then, I will proceed to like him!" Collin laughs at his subtle joke.

"Cool. Is it just me, or is it cold?" Sophia asks, slightly shivering.

"Hmm, I don't know either. But, keep in mind we're on a blanket... Oh!" Collin proceeds to wrap Sophia and himself in the blanket by rolling.

"That's much better."

Collin adjusts himself to fit properly, "I agree...", sighing from relaxation.

"If only we could do this more often." Sophia states wistfully.

"Only if... only if... I wonder how." Collin muses.

"You have an idea?" Sophia looks at Collin.

Collin thinks out loud, "That requires a... future, too much future perhaps. As in, not enough time? Resources? Do I know the future as well, I mean, if I knew the future that would change things..."

"OK! I get it, don't start talking about the future!"

"Ah, sorry! It was just that, well... I don't know! I'm still sorry! Ehehe!" Collin pauses for a moment and realizes, "Wait, couldn't we just have a sleepover?"

"We could!" Sophia says excitedly.

Collin looked surprised, "Wait, we could?"

"Sure, we could ask either Em or Miranda if we could all have a sleepover! Or you could just slip in through my window one night."

"Whilst I appreciate the romanticism slipping through the window... I think it would be wiser to ask Em and Miranda."

"True, how about tomorrow?"

"Hmm.. That sounds good and all. But, we can just sleep here."

"You want to do that?" Sophia asks.

"Need be, we could... Not totally saying that I want to of course." Collin puts a stink-eye.

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