Chapter 22

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Jackson is in his class, wondering what his next move should be. Surely, it had to be something much more impactful or maybe it should grow the distrust Collin has. Many options, one try. Well, he has access to Sophia's email account and she suspects nothing. So, perhaps... Zoom?

Yes! I can login into Sophia's zoom account and talk to Collin that way. While pretending to be her, I can make Collin doubt Sophia's love for her. I can say anything and as long as I act correctly, it will work.

He recognizes though, he has to do this at the time when Sophia won't be on... So perhaps during SIS or nighttime actually. It will be more intimate then and Sophia won't be on most likely.

"Jackson, focus!"

Oh, I shouldn't be too caught up on this huh...

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