Chapter 44

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"You coming?"

Collin looked startled, "Ah! Yes, I'll let myself in." Collin comes and looks around.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"You... had an idea... I don't know! Maybe my homework?"

"Sure, if you want to." Sophia says, sounding disappointed.

Collin makes his way to the couch in the patio and takes a seat. He pulls out his paper and his MacBook and starts his work immediately.

"Seriously? You're actually going to do school work?"

Collin points out slyly, "You had no other ideas."

"I did, but I didn't voice them." Sophia whispers under her breath.
Collin looks up, slightly sadden, "Sit next to me."

"OK." Sophia walks into the room and heads over to sit next to Collin.

Collin puts his work on the glass desk and lunges towards Sophia before she reaches him. He grabs her and gently lays her back on the couch. "Whoops, hehe."


Collin climbs on top of Sophia and hugs her. He places himself inside the couch and looks at Sophia's head on his chest, gently rubbing her head.

"I thought you said you had school work to do?"

Collin whispers, "Not anymore."

"That was fast." Sophia whispers back.

"Fast to change minds, not finish it." Collin laughs gently.

"Should have figured."

Collin chuckles then, sighs gently, "Sorry."

"It's OK!"

"No! Just take it as is..." He brings Sophia's head up and faces her. A moment passes... Time froze as they looked at each other. The tension builds up as each breath passes. Then, Collin kisses Sophia with intense energy, perhaps he was just keeping it all for just this moment. They were so close that they were wrapping their legs together.

"Collin, shouldn't you get your school work done first?"

"I can care less about that now, you're here. In front of me."

"True, but school work first? At least get some work done. Or you don't have to."

"Sophia... " Collin smiles gently, appreciating her obvious care, "You're in front of me, I can, no, don't care about it right now. So, " He put his mouth next to her ear, "just shut up, alright?"


Collin kisses her cheek gently, "Right now, for a little while, it's just us..." Hugging her tightly, "What you wanted to do, please tell."

"We aren't in the right spot, so no."

Collin pulls Sophia up, putting her on his lap as he sits up straight, "Now?"

"No, sorry."

"What's the right spot.. You have nothing to be sorry about."

"I am not going to tell you... You have to figure it out yourself!"

"Give me a hint!"


Collin pulls Sophia down, putting his back towards the couch and Sophia on top of him. "This is it?"

"Kinda, just not the right room."

Collin gently pushes Sophia off and grabs her and rushes up the stairs to... Wait, he realizes something...

"Where's your room?"

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