Chapter 32

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"Okay! Okay! I choose the easy way."

"Good choice. Now tell me, did you or did you not write the note that was sent to you?"

"I didn't do it."

Sophia took out her water bottle and sprayed Jackson with water.

"Try again," Collin said angrily.

"I did not-" Sophia sprayed Jackson again.

"I did-" Sprayed.

"I-" Sprayed.

"Ok! OK! I did it!"

"Not good enough, buddy," Collin said, applying more pressure on Jackson's back.

"I wrote the note on Sophia's account and then sent it to myself. I wanted to break you two up. Sophia AnnMarie Sullivan, I have always and will continue to love you for the rest of my life. He got in the way of our happy relationship. It's all his fault."

"No, it's your fault that you didn't tell me earlier."

"Would you have even said yes?"

Sophia paused to think for a moment. "I don't know," she answered truthfully. "I honestly don't."

"I thought so." Jackson shoved Collin off of his back before brushing himself off and walking away.

Sophia stood there in dead silence. Then, she collapsed.

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