Chapter 51

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Sophia jumps, startled. "Oh, hi!" Sophia looks at him. "Seriously? You put a shirt on?" she says, disappointed.

"I mean... A shirt is nice." Collin enters the room and looks at Sophia, "I could say the same for you though."


"You have a shirt on too."

"Yeah, but I have to admit, I like you much better without a shirt."

"More than I could say for myself," Collin laughs.

"Well, I am taking my shirt off, so join me if you want to." Sophia says, taking her shirt off.

"That's a dare isn't it." Collin takes off his shirt and throws it at Sophia.

"Maybe." Sophia says, catching the shirt.

"Hmm.. I have to say the same for you."


"Grr, nevermind."

"OK." Sophia says.

"That shower was refreshing wasn't it?"

"Yes." Sophia responds.

"That's why I suggested the shower!"

"Well it was a good idea."

"I always have good ideas."

"Yes you do."

Collin looked slightly surprised, "Wait, what?"

"You said you always have good ideas, and I agreed with you."

"Yes, that's plain to see... I suppose I'm surprised."

"Why are you surprised?"

Collin thinks and says, "Least expected response."

"Well, cool. Now, are you going to come sit on the bed with me again or are you just going to stand there?"

"Haven't decided yet." Collin says teasingly.

"Wow, well join me when you have decided." Sophia says, laying down on the bed, her back towards Collin.

"Nah, I don't think I will."

"Cool." Sophia says.

"How cool?"

"Well, it would be much cooler if you were on the bed with me."

"How cool is it right now?"

"Just cool."


"Meh." Sophia says.


"So, you are seriously just going to stand there?" Sophia turns to face Collin.

He takes a few steps forward, "I'm not sure, but I'd wager no."

"Well, I am waiting." Sophia says, turning so her back is facing Collin again.

"No, I'm going to stand here now!"


He stands before Sophia, bending down and whispering to her ear, "I'm standing here now..."

"Cool, I can't see you though cause I am not facing you."

"Which is why I'm informing you of my position!"

"Well how thoughtful of you."

He collapses next to Sophia and pats her head, "I know... Now, I'm next to you."

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