Chapter 46

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"Unless what?"

Collin jumps up and pounces on Sophia, "You have another game that doesn't have missing pieces!"

"Well, we could just stay here, but we also have Twister."

Collin thinks, "I suppose you're right. We can just stay here." Collin lays back down, next to Sophia.

"So you jump on top of me and then lay right next to me. Seriously?"

"I wouldn't want to crush you."

"I know you wouldn't crush me." Sophia says honestly.

"Do you want me to try?"


Collin looked surprised, but decided to take the challenge. "OK then..."

Sophia lays down, waiting for Collin.

Collin goes over Sophia and stands before her. Then, with a tremendous amount of force, he falls flat onto Sophia. The bed croaks slightly. Collin looks down at Sophia concerned.

"You're OK?"

"Yes, I am completely fine." Sophia says, looking up at Collin. "But you're not." Sophia flips Collin and lands on top of him.

"Bold of you to assume that I wasn't." Collin flips Sophia and pins her shoulders towards the bed.

"Yes, very bold of me." Sophia says, trying to wriggle out from under Collin.

"Still wonder," Collin puts more pressure on her shoulders, "Are you fine?"

"Yes, yes I am." Sophia says, still trying to get out from underneath Collin.

Collin takes notice, "Ah, being sly now?" Collin lowers himself and kisses Sophia to stop her from getting out.

Sophia goes limp. "No, no I am not."

Collin massages Sophia head, "Good..." Collin wonders what to do next. That is until a thought strikes his head and he rolls over to the side of the bed, letting Sophia go.

"You good?" Sophia asks, concerned.

Collin states, "Probably... I don't know." Collin thinks for a moment, then asks, "Can I hug you?"

"You don't need to ask!"

"What can I say? I like being formal a lot." Collin rolls over again and hugs Sophia.

"Well, I don't care much for formalities."


"Really." Sophia confirms.

Collin asks, "Why so?"

"I don't know, they just get in the way and ruin things." Sophia explains.

"So you do know!"

"I guess I do."

Collin laughs, "I understand what you mean. It's used carelessly as some... hmm."

"So, why did you move away and then ask to hug me? What was or is your grandiose idea?"

"There's no idea," Collin sighs, "It just felt like there was something off."

"Maybe the fact that we are in a bed together, might I add alone and we haven't even removed our shirts?"

"I wish! No, I feel like I wronged you. That it's wrong for me to be acting so perverted."

"No you haven't wronged me! Well, unless you count not having removed my shirt yet, but still!"

"I see no reason to remove your shirt anyways..."

"Really, you sure?"

"I'm almost sure of it..." Collin responded, thinking, "Oh no or oh yes?"

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