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Din remembers vaguely how he first saw Luke. He was fairly distracted, to be fair. And he doesn't bother recalling the distant memory, thinking that he may not be able to see the child for a while.

  Din simply goes back to what he does best, bounty hunting. It proves much easier that he doesn't have to worry about the child getting hurt, but without him, something just felt amiss.

  He lands back on Nevarro to restock and rest his legs for a short while. His beloved ship getting destroyed meant he was homeless for the time being, and Greef graciously gave Din a dingy, shady old place to live for free. It had privacy, so Din accepted. Sometimes he regrets not taking up Boba's offer at the palace in Tatooine.

  Laying on the lumpy bed provided in the room, Din attempts to sleep. Key word, attempts. With nothing to do, his mind starts to wander, and when his mind starts to wander, he thinks of the child, and then starts to worry.

  He knows Grogu is in capable hands, but there's this part of him that can't let it go. He rolls to his side, angry at himself for not trusting the Jedi, or Grogu's choice to stay and train.

  Just as he was about to drift off, a loud banging noise interrupts him. Sighing, Din gets to his feet and walks to the door. He opens it by a sliver, taking a peek at the unwanted visitor.

"Hey Mando," A familiar voice greets, prompting Din to open the door all the way. It's Cara. "Here to deliver something. I'd do it at a better time, but you're always gone by morning, so," She trails off.

  She hands him a holodisk, as well as a small paper slip on top. Din looks up to her, tilting his head, conveying confusion. Cara shrugs. "The guy who delivered it said it was encrypted, so you don't have to worry 'bout it," Cara replies coolly. "You take his word for it, not mine," She adds.

  Din cautiously accepts it, continuing to study the holodisk, wondering who would want to deliver this to him.

"Hopefully it won't explode," Cara playfully shoves Din's shoulder, winking as she takes her leave.

  Din hopes so too.

  Din looks at the paper slip first, and finds that it has a comlink number scribbled on it. He pockets it for the time being, turning his attention to the holodisk.

  Placing the holodisk on a table, Din jumps when a message immediately starts playing.

"No Grogu! I told you that's not edible!"

  The message starts off with Luke scrambling to pull away some object from Grogu's mouth, and Din's heart instantly warms, lips bearing an unconscious smile.

"Grogu! We have to record a message for your father!" Skywalker wrestles with Grogu for a while, tearing a gear from the child's hands. Grogu's ears perk up at the mention of father, finally relenting his battle with the gear he had been chewing on. "Shoot. It's recording already?"

  Luke flips his bangs, offering an apologetic smile through the grainy visual, hugging Grogu close to him.

"Hah... that's not how I imagined this would go. As you can see, Grogu is doing well. I'm sorry it took this long to deliver this to you, but I needed to make sure this message can be safely transmitted," Luke walks up closer, holding out his arms so Grogu fills up the lens. "This little troublemaker is making some unbelievable progress, but his appetite... is really something to look out for... Honestly? Could use a couple tips on that part."

  Grogu coos, lifting his tiny arm up for a wave. Din waves back on instinct.

  Din can hear Luke's laughter from behind as Grogu gets pulled away from again, being safely tucked back into Luke's embrace. "Anyway, I just wanted to update you on things. Grogu's making some great progress, you raised him well,"

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