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After leaving the planet, Din immediately wrenches his helmet off, the Beskar making a loud clang as it hits the ground. He buries his face deep into his hands, feeling the heat of his cheeks despite wearing gloves. He walks off to the refresher, splashing some cool, crisp water to take the heat off his boiling face.

  Luke was killing him.

  He sighs, splashing his face with water one last time before he marches back into the cockpit.

  Din unwraps the gift Luke gave him. It was a medium sized container filled with soup, as Luke said. No hidden surprises. His stomach grumbles at the smell. When was the last time he even had a proper meal? He cradles the container in his hands, warming up his hands with the heat of the soup as he takes a large sip.

  He sighs heartily, a content smile unknowingly bracing his lips. Din felt silly thinking of this, but this soup --reminded him of home. Made with care and love, it filled a spot in his heart that he didn't even know needed filling. Could use some spice, but it was still perfect without it.

  Gods, how can a simple soup make him so emotional? When it's made by Luke Skywalker, Din answers in his head.

  Din finishes the soup quickly, and puts his helmet back on. He sneaks a glance at the holodisk, wondering if he should call Luke. He literally left only moments ago, does calling Luke make him look clingy?

  He fiddles with it nervously, debating in his head whether if he should or shouldn't. This shouldn't be such a difficult decision. He's made so many more decisions with much higher stakes, yet now he worries if Luke kriffing Skywalker will thinks he's weird if he makes a call despite seeing him literally minutes ago.

  While his head endlessly debates the thousands of possibilities, it seems like his hands have already decided for him.

"Wait I di--" Din fumbles with the holodisk, alarmed.

  The pickup was instantaneous.

"Hello?" That familiar voice makes Din even more startled.

  Oh he was not ready for this.

"I-- didn't mean to call," Din blurts. He really wished he had a better way with words.

"But you did," Luke replies smiling, not skipping a beat.

  Yes. He did indeed.

"I misplaced my holodisk. I wanted to call a client," He lies. Lying is something he's done often, yet this makes slightly sick to his stomach, making him regret it instantly.

  Luke's face falls, despite his best efforts to mask it. "I see. I'm guessing you'll call back later?"

  Din nods, and Luke's smile seems to brighten up again.

"Your soup," Din starts, and Luke's eyes perk up at the mention. "It was really good. I... like it a lot,"

  Luke cups his face with his hands, seemingly embarrassed, and laughs. "I'm glad you like it. When you come around again, I'll pack some extra for you,"

  Din's heart flutters. "I'd like that," He replies, maybe a little bit too eagerly.

  Luke laughs. "Then I'll have to get to work,"

"I should get going too, and make sure Grogu's doing his training properly," Luke says, waving goodbye.

  Din nods, then ends the call. He sighs deeply, feeling the blush creeping up onto his face, his cheeks heating up again. He slumps his head forward against the control panel of the ship, staying there for a while, contemplating all his life decisions that made him come to this point.

Dinluke Book idk I hate naming thingsWhere stories live. Discover now