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Din gets off Tattoine as fast as he could, hopefully he would never have to go back there again.

  Din managed to track Han to a planet far into the outer rim, and he was going through hyperspace when his comlink goes off.


  At first, he panics a little. But he takes a deep breath, clears his throat and prepares to answer on video.

"Hey," Din greets simply.

  Luke appears, and blinks dumbfoundedly before breaking out into a goofy grin before greeting back, "Hi, Din."

  Din sucks in sharp breath, letting out a harsh sigh, and Luke immediately takes notice, a look of concern appearing on his face.

"What's wrong? Did, did I call at a bad time?" Luke asks.

  Din shakes his head. "I'm just not used to anyone calling my... actual name. The last time anyone called me that was my parents. And they..." Din trails off.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know, if I had known I would've--" Luke splutters nervously, apologizing profusely.

"No. It's alright," Din cuts him off. "I don't mind. I like it... actually," Din admits quietly, his voice going softer.

  Luke's smile returns, and for a split second, something catches his attention and he bends down, presumably to grab something.

"Come here, your dad's calling," Luke's voice is slightly muffled and there's a delighted coo in response, and he sits back up, holding Grogu in his lap. Grogu looks the same as ever, large liquid brown eyes, peach fuzz hair and a big smile that shows his little teeth. But this time, there's a flower crown atop his head.

  While Grogu sits on Luke's lap, Luke seems to be looking around for something himself. "Wait, where did mine go?"

  Luke glances around, before locking on to something, and out of nowhere, a flower crown flies directly into Luke's hand, and he nestles it in his hair. And after adjusting it slightly, he turns back to Din, breaking out into a smile.

"Ta-da!" Luke exclaims, and Grogu also gives Din a tiny wave.

  He was absolutely going to die.

  Din may not show it, but his heart exploded. And if not for his armor keeping him in place, there would be carnage all over his ship. He wanted to take a holo and put it up on the wall of his cot so he could look at it every time he went to bed and woke up. Din was two steps from bursting out in tears from how cute the sight was.

"You look good," Din says, a little choked up.

  Luke seems obvious to the effect he has on Din, as he continues to smile, babbling about how they found a flower bed near the river, and how he and the younglings spent the morning making flower crowns.

"I'll show you when you get back, and we can make one together!" Luke exclaims excitedly, and Grogu seems to share his sentiment, raising both his arms up in agreement.

  Din chuckles. "I don't think it would look good on me," He says matter-of-factly.

"No, I'm sure you would look good in anything," Luke immediately counters. He slaps a hand over his mouth, ducking his head away before coughing abruptly. "Anyway, uh, what are you doing?"

  Luke changes the subject, so Din goes along with it. "Running a couple of errands." He states bluntly.

"I see," Luke replies lamely. He sighs, scratching his head. "Uh, I--I think I should go," He stutters.

"I know it's been a short call, but I uh..." Luke sighs again, seeming unsure of what to say next.

"Wait," Din interrupts Luke, then clears his throat when he sees that he has Luke's attention.

Dinluke Book idk I hate naming thingsWhere stories live. Discover now