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"No, ah… I meant with the Darksaber," Din clarifies.

  Luke blinks up at him, a bit surprised. His instinct is to say yes, but he bites his lip, holding back. He knows Din will be a great student, and Luke would love to teach him, but is he really ready?

  It seems as his worries were unknowingly broadcasted on his face, as Din immediately reaches over, taking Luke’s hands into his, as some form of reassurance.

"Look, I know I haven't got the best track record with the saber, but I know I can do it now," Din says, meeting Luke’s gaze directly, giving another small squeeze to Luke's hands. "I need your training if I'm to win over Bo-Katan. I need your training if I'm to be Manda'lor."

  His voice was firm and determined, a conviction in which Luke has never seen in Din before, which puzzled Luke as he had expressed strongly his distaste in the role. "You want to be Manda'lor all of a sudden?"

"...I've done some thinking," Din mumbles, after a brief pause of silence. "I'm not a good leader. I don't really work well with others. But I've seen the good and bad of this galaxy, the terror, the horrible things our kind have to go through. I was once a victim, and if I ran away from the only chance I might have of freeing my own people, then I shouldn't be considered a Mandalorian. I… honestly still don't know. I know of many that would make a much better leader than I am. But so many have put their trust in me, and I can't just run away. Maybe… I should start trusting in my own abilities too. I just want to help and service my people, and learning to use the saber is my first step."

  Din looks at Luke, and sighs. "I don't even know what I'm saying."

"No, I understand. You have many motivations, but also many that dissuade you. You're lost, but when you finally get the chance to lead your people, I believe that you will be able to find your answer. Like you said, you need to trust in yourself more."

  Din looks at Luke blankly, tilting his head. "That was wise. I think." Din comments very insightfully. "Do Jedi always speak in riddles?"

  Luke can’t help a small chuckle at Din’s question. "Yep. Learnt it from the best too. It's something you sort of pick up."

"Thanks, Luke. I'm always so clueless on this. But I'm glad I have at least someone to talk to about this," Din says, nodding towards Luke with gratitude. "I haven't been great with the saber, but I know I can do it. Something's changed. I don't know what, but I feel like I will be able to handle the saber smoother now."

"I know you're strong… I'm just afraid the saber will influence you again. It’s really so much more than I expected. Can you really handle it?" Luke asks. The Darksaber was unstable, difficult to predict, a sentient object, Luke dared call it. It wasn't completely dark, making it much harder to decide if it was a weapon of good or evil. "I want to trust you, and I do. I'm just unable to let go of this fear that it might consume you."

  There's a small pause. "Cyar’ika," Din says so quietly that Luke could barely pick up the syllables over Din's modulator.

"Please," He pleads, almost in a meek manner.

  Luke was about to say something, but Din continued to speak.

"I want to learn to use the saber so I can rebuild Manda'lor from the ashes. But… I also want to learn it for a selfish reason. I want to protect you. I know you hardly need any protection, let alone mine, but please."

  Luke is unable to reply to anything of substance with how earnest Din was. He could feel in his bones. Din meant absolutely every word he said.

"I was helpless against the Darktroopers. It took so much just to take down one. I need this power so I can protect you, Grogu, and the younglings. I… don't want to feel that powerless again," Din sighs, letting go of hands. "I know it's difficult to ask of you. But please, trust me."

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