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"Cy–Cyar what now? What does that mean?" Luke asks, blinking up to Din innocently.

Din's arms flex around him, and he hums thoughtfully. "I'll tell you later."

"Mysterious," Luke mumbles.

They stay like that, for who knows how long. Sharing each other's warmth, it's like nothing could ever ruin the moment–

"Hey guys! Bad news, I have to get off... world..." Ahsoka trails off when she sees Luke and Din hugging intensely. "Uh, am I interrupting anything? I could always go back outside?" Ahsoka offers a strained smile, pointing back at the direction she came from.

Din and Luke scramble to peel off from each other, and Luke could hardly contain the blush on his face as they stand next to each other normally. Din awkwardly places an arm around Luke's shoulder.

"No! Everything's fine! You were saying?" Luke quips back cheerily, too wide of a smile on his face.

Ahsoka gives them both an unimpressed look, but thankfully she chooses to ignore it. "As I was saying, some business came up, I have to get off world," She repeats.

"Whatt? But you just got here!" Luke throws his arms up in complaint. "Are you sure you really can't stay?"

Ahsoka sighs while smiling, rolling her eyes. "I suppose I still have some time to spare so I can be with my dear nephew..."

Luke tackles her in a hug, sighing happily against her shoulder. Ahsoka hugs him back tightly, a soft, fond smile on her face.

They pull away after a moment, and Ahsoka takes out her chronometer to check the time. "I'll be able to stay until dinner," She announces, and elbows Luke in the ribs. "Better start cooking nephew." She teases.

Ahsoka suddenly turns to Din and points at him. "Can you cook?" She asks excitedly, in which Din shrugs.

Luke's mouth drops open in surprise when Din actually responds, "I guess."

Luke looks at him, completely in awe. "You can cook, you're good with kids, you can sing, you're good at fighting, is there anything you can't do?" Luke splutters, gesturing wildly at Din.

How in the universe did he manage to snag the absolutely perfect being?

Every time he learns something new about Din, he feels like he's falling in love for the first time again.

"Plenty," Din quips back dryly.

Luke rolls his eyes, jokingly punching him in the arm. "Alright Mr Humble, help me with dinner would you? I have an aunt to impress."

"Gladly," Din replies, and Luke hooks his hand on the crook of Din's arm, leading him to the kitchen, all while staring at him dreamily.

"What do you need me to do?" Din asks, holding up a few fruits and vegetables.

Luke checks the cupboards, looking through the drawers for a shred of inspiration. He sighs.

"Honestly, I'm in need of a few ideas myself," Luke mumbles thoughtlessly, tossing a Jogan absent-mindedly. "Let's just prep some stuff together first, alright?"

Din nods, already holding a knife in his hands.

While Din and Luke were preparing the ingredients, Ahsoka suddenly pops her head in, smiling brightly. At Din.

"Hey Luke, hey Mando," She drawls in a playful tone, and Luke knows she only uses that when asking for a favour. "I heard you were stumped on not knowing what to make?"

Din stops his chopping, and looks at Ahsoka, who has too wide of a grin on her face.

"I'm open to suggestions," He replies while nodding.

Dinluke Book idk I hate naming thingsWhere stories live. Discover now