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It's a non-eventful trip back, but Din's mind was more frantic than ever. Despite Han's seeming encouragement of Din, and his-- sometimes mildly helpful advice, Din feels now more unsure than ever.

  Something curls deep in his gut. He likes Luke. Han and Leia had a mutual love. He doesn't know if Luke likes him back.

  It was different.

He was different.

  He thinks back to how possessive he had gotten with Han just mentioning Luke's name. And he wasn't even referring to him. How his blood slowly simmered, threatening to boil and overflow into something much worse. He wanted to make sure Luke was his, and no one could even get a finger on him. It almost doesn't feel like himself. 

  It was immature. He knows that Luke is his own person, and that even if Luke didn't reciprocate his own feelings, that can't stop him from meeting someone else. But that image of Luke being with someone else that doesn't Din, made him more jealous than it should.

  It's conflicting. Din knows that. He felt that Luke was worthy of someone better than him, but at the same time, he can't bear to see Luke with someone else.

  Why was he so selfish?

  Why was he so disgusting?

  He hates himself. He knew that Han was trying to help, having gone through a similar situation, but now he just felt worse. He was just a man who couldn't get ahold of his feelings. And what's to love about that?

  Even thinking that, he still lands on Tatooine, preparing to buy the blue milk custard he apparently loved. He wasn't trying to impress Luke, he just wanted to make him happy, and even deeper down, an apology gift. He felt guilty, indebted to Luke, because he had done so much for him, and he has nothing.

  Din heaves a sigh as he thumps his head against the control panel, feeling like the worst person in the system.

  He thinks of Luke, wondering how he would react by getting him his favorite food, and that manages to make him stop moping around.

  Din first starts looking in the marketplace of Tattoine. And some time after, he finds a hole-in-the-wall kind of shop that seemed to sell blue milk custard that didn't look like slop.

  He looks around at the stall. It didn't just sell custard, but in fact all kinds of sweets and snacks. A friendly looking Twi'lek is sitting from behind a counter, decorating a few mini cupcakes with bright blue icing.

  Din walks up carefully not to bump into anything, it's an extremely cramped shop after all, and he feels like any small movement he makes may send the whole shop tumbling down.

  He stands awkwardly in front of the counter, waiting for the Twi'lek to take notice of him. It doesn't feel right to interrupt, as she's extremely engrossed in her own work, adding glitter and sprinkles onto the cupcake, and Din admits, it looked quite good.

  She twirls the cupcake around, seemingly satisfied, and finally looks up. "Ah!" She lets out a mild shriek of horror, nearly knocking herself into a shelf stacked high with jars and other containers. Once she eventually finds her balance, she quickly puts the cupcakes to the side, clearing her throat.

"Hello! How may I help you?" She greets in a chipper and energetic tone, as if she didn't almost knock her entire shop down.

"Uh right," Din replies lamely. He's totally out of his element here, and the passing image of a Mandalorian in a sweet shop is enough to make him blush. He sighs internally. Do it for Luke. "I want to buy some blue milk custard."

"Right away sir!" She gives a mock salute, ducking down to her counter to pull two small cups of blue milk custard, immediately fogged up in condensation from the heat.

Dinluke Book idk I hate naming thingsWhere stories live. Discover now