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  After tending to his wounds, he tries to go to leave, but Boba stops him.

There's a smirk on his face. "Your highness," He says, and Din felt his heart drop. Now there were two of them.

"Don't call me that," Din mumbles grumpily.

"Just saying, if you ever need help, I'd be delighted to serve under you," Boba says, clasping an arm around Din's shoulders.

Din sighs. "Right."

Din heads to the landing bay, paying for repairs and fuel, as well as a new polish for his ship. He looks up at Razor Crest II, patting the side of the ship proudly. It's not the exact same model as the ship he loved before, but it's similar, and Din found himself slowly growing fond of the ship.

He makes sure to buy the desserts Luke likes, as well as the lollipops he promised Grogu, taking everything and hauling it to the ship, leaving Tatooine, feeling quite fulfilled.

After setting course to Luke, he sits back in the cockpit, taking a second to finally relax.

The Darksaber.

Din doesn't know why his mind drifts over to it again. It's been rather quiet, but Din wasn't really complaining. He thinks about how good it felt when he held it in his hand, the Armourer and Paz's words float to his head.

If he accepted the bond, is that the power he would have?

He shakes the thought from his head. He doesn't need the power. He just needs Luke and Grogu. That's all he needs.

Din lands without any issue, and is immediately greeted with the face of Luke Skywalker, which is something Din can never get tired of.

His bright eyes and lightly dimpled cheeks, Din could feel his worries melting away. He walks off the ramp, once again, carrying two large bags. Luke happily goes over and takes Din's from him, floating them up into the air.

"I was so worried about you," Luke says, a little breathless, smile so wide and pure. His eyes seem to twinkle under the sun, and Din can't help to reach over, wiping the tears under his lashes, running a thumb along his jawline, tracing a thumb over the dimple, determined to memorise every little mark and dip in his skin. He catches himself smiling.

"I missed you too," Din mumbles, tucking a stray hair behind Luke's hair.

Luke smiles so brightly Din's convinced he's looking at the sun.

"I missed you more," Luke replies, tilting his head and waggling his eyebrow in defiance.

Din chuckles softly. "It's not a competition, cyar'ika," he says.

Luke's cheeks redden cutely as he reaches to cup at his own face, hiding the flush on his face. "...I'm still not used to you calling me that." He mumbles.

Din tilts his head. "What, cyar'ika?"

Luke squeals, hiding his face behind his eyes. He nods stiffly. "Yeah, that."

Din chuckles again. He can't stop. Luke was being so unbelievably cute that he can't help but touch him. He runs his hands along Luke's arms, pulling him closer, feeling the warmth of Luke even through the armour.

"I can call you something else," Din offers, making Luke look up to him with gleaming eyes. Maker, he wanted to kiss him.

"Mesh'la, ui'ayl..." Din offers, taking in the tiny pout on Luke's face.

Luke tilts his head. "Ui'ayl?" And Din tries not to laugh at the butchered pronunciation.

Din holds Luke close, running a hand through his smooth hair, gently working some of the knots of his hair. "It's a sweet syrup. Just like you,"

Dinluke Book idk I hate naming thingsWhere stories live. Discover now