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  Ahsoka whistles, and laughs awkwardly while pulling away from Luke. "Right."

Luke gives her a betrayed look. "Hey, I thought you were on my side!"

"I am on your side!" Ahsoka is quick to defend herself, putting a hand on her chest.

Ahsoka sighs, and looks at the general direction of where Din and Grogu walked off to. "Look, Luke, I support you! I really do!"

She takes a deep breath, quickly glancing away before focusing her gaze on Luke. She puts both her hands on Luke's shoulders. "Promise me that you won't freak out and storm off, alright?"

"W–what? You're scaring me Ahsoka! What is it?" Luke splutters, suddenly nervous about what news Ahsoka could bring that would supposedly freak him out.

"Promise me,"

"Okay... I–I won't freak," Luke says, nodding.

Ahsoka seems to accept Luke's promise, nodding along as well. "There's no easy way to say this, but,"

Luke's heart is pounding, and it feels as if the whole world's in slow-motion as he listens to Ahsoka.

"He won't accept your confession."

Luke backs away, shrugging Ahsoka's hands off his shoulder as he inhales until he feels like his lungs are about to burst. He promised Ahsoka he wouldn't freak out, but he was absolutely freaking out. How could he not?

Moments ago, Luke felt as if he was on fire, blazing hot with passion and determination, and now that flame was snuffed out, stomped on, dunked with water, and thrown out, just for good measure.

"Excuse me? I thought you said you supported us!" Luke shouts, acutely aware that his voice was raised a few octaves higher than it should be.

Ahsoka raises an eyebrow, looking right at Luke. "What did we promise?"

Luke forces himself to take a deep breath. "Right. But why would you think that?"

"Because he's not ready," Ahsoka says, dead serious. "I sense something, off, with him. Was he acting strange, in any way?"

Luke was about to jump headfirst to defend Din when he remembers back to when Din was exiting the ship today, the insecurity, the sadness, the fear he felt.

"Your face tells me he was," Ahsoka mumbles, waving a hand in front of his face.

Luke wants to help Din, but he's afraid.

"But what am I supposed to do?" Luke asks.

"Just keep doing everything that you're doing. Flirt with him a bit, get closer, but beyond that, you have to let Mando figure it out for himself," Ahsoka explains. "He just needs some time, and you just need to support him."

Luke's brows furrowed in confusion. "I don't get it."

Ahsoka clicks her tongue. "You don't have to. Just do as I say,"

Luke sighs as he runs his hand through his hair for who knows how many times now. His hair is never going to be what it once was, and he knew it. "And why should I listen to you?"

"Because I'm older," Ahsoka states, making Luke roll his eyes sarcastically. "And also why do you think Han and Leia are still together? If it weren't for me they probably would've split ages ago! Trust me, I have my experience."

Luke huffs out a breath of annoyance. Even though he wanted to confess to Din right here, right now, he does trust Ahsoka, and he knows deep down, she's right. Din was acting strange, and the Force tells him that he must get to the bottom of it.

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