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 "Did you seriously see all that?" Luke blurts out instantly, his eyes fluttering shut in embarrassment.

She walks forward, ruffling Luke's hair as she laughs. "Hmm, how about maybe?"

Luke groans, cupping his intensely flushed face with hands, finally daring to open his eyes. There's an obscene, smug smile on her face that speaks volumes.

"You said you were going to visit next cycle!" Luke yells to cover his embarrassment, swatting her hand away.

"What, aren't you happy to see me?" She asks, in a tone obviously telling she already knew the answer. "Nephew?"

Luke puffs his cheeks, crossing his arms, having given up her attempt to stop ruffling his hair. "Yes, auntie Ahosoka, I'm glad to see you." He mumbles grumpily.

Ahsoka finally leaves his hair alone, only after she's already made a complete mess of things. At this point, Luke's hair looks about ready to serve as a nest to any neighbouring birds nearby. Luke runs his fingers through his hair, trying hopelessly to return to its usual state, huffing in annoyance as Ahsoka laughs beside him, leaning into his ear to whisper:

"You didn't tell me you got yourself a new boyfriend," Luke screeches as he uselessly tries to swing his arms at her, who dodges without breaking a sweat with an easy smile on her lips.

This makes Luke more embarrassed as he turns his away from his stupid aunt, burying his heated face into his hands, hoping the ground would just open up and swallow him up whole. He really thought he had at least one more cycle to mentally prepare himself for a lifetime of teasing, and he finds solace in the fact at least it wasn't Leia that came to visit. Luke shudders at the thought of Leia storming in and ripping into Din.

Force, Leia was going to eat him alive.

Maybe literally.

Luke sighs, turning back to Ahsoka. At least it wasn't Leia, he assures himself. It isn't very assuring. "It's nothing yet. We..." Luke trails off, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "Aren't official."

"Luke my dear little nephew, I literally saw him kiss you," Ahsoka says blankly, hands resting on his hips.

"I don't know... it was kind of an impulse thing..." Luke mumbles.

"WAIT DID YOU SAY I KISSED HIM?!" Luke yells, pausing for a moment to clap his hands over his mouth, eyes darting nervously to see if anyone was eavesdropping, before looking at Ahsoka with a bewildered look on his face.

Ahsoka blows a loose rasberry, giving Luke an unimpressed look, "You don't know that?" She asks, now crossing her arms over her chest, saying as if it was the most obvious thing in the system.

Luke frustratedly throws his arms up, trying to form multiple sentences, before he settles on throwing his hands on Ahsoka's shoulder's, practically glaring at her. "EXPLAIN." Luke says in the calmest manner he could manage at the time.

"You know he's a mandalorian, right?" Ahsoka asks, to which Luke nods by nodding fervently. "Some of the more... extreme ones branched out to follow the old Way of the Manda'lore, which means they can never take off, or get their helmet taken off in front of anyone outside their clan."

Luke slowly calms with the burst of information, his hands slipping from Ahsoka's shoulders as he realises what the helmet actually means to Din.

He knew the helmet meant a lot to Din, but he was underestimating how important it was.

"So these mandalorians display intimacy by pressing their foreheads together. It's called a keldabe kiss," Ahsoka continues to explain, either ignoring the exremely stunned Luke by her side, or she didn't take notice.

Dinluke Book idk I hate naming thingsWhere stories live. Discover now