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Luke combs his hair with his hand, hoping he still looks somewhat presentable to his sister. He straightens his shirt collar, and tries to practice a semi-neutral smile.

He sighs. There was no way Leia was going to forgive him for this.
He makes his way back down, and already sees Leia interrogating the younglings down below, picking them up and swinging them around while they yell out as a means of getting information.

He sees the moment Leia notices him, her head turning sharply around, her eyes practically locking onto Luke. He gives her an awkward wave, deciding to play innocent.

Leia puts down the youngling, who dizzily faceplants to the grass. She strides elegantly towards Luke, and despite the warm smile on her face, he knows he's about to face the wrath that is his sister.

"Brother," She greets simply.

Luke already knew he was screwed.

"Leia," He replies politely, and smiles sweetly at her, as if nothing was wrong.
She raises an eyebrow in interest. She clearly does not buy it at all.

She takes a deep breath. "Alright, brother. Tell me what's wrong."
She doesn't beat around the bush at all, her eyes flickering sharply at Luke's, and he feels her gaze burn a hole through his skull. Luke laughs awkwardly, and scratches the back of his neck.

"What?" Luke still feigns innocence. He's on thin ice, and they both know it.

"Nothing's wrong." Luke replies with a smile that's a little bit too wide.

Leia tilts her head to one side, looking unimpressed. "You know better than to lie to my face like that, dear brother." She crosses her arms. "What are you hiding from me?"

Luke sighs, throwing his arms in the air in defeat. "What gets past you, does it?" He grumbles.

Leia smiles sweetly back at him. "It's not your first day of knowing me, you should know better."

She was right. He should.

"Do we have to talk about this here?" Luke asks, waving a hand towards all the younglings. He does not want to admit anything in front of those rascals.

Leia raises a hand, gesturing for Luke to lead the way.

Luke brings her to the kitchen, and they both sit.

"Start talking. Who's that Mandalorian?" Leia doesn't waste any time, and her bluntness makes Luke manage a tiny squeak.

"How did you know that?" Luke asks, trying to will the flush building up his face away.

Leia blinks up to him innocently, reaching over to take a sip of her tea. "Younglings aren't good at keeping secrets." She says matter-of-factly.

She tilts her head at him. "Go on then, don't keep me waiting." She hurries.

"We're..." Luke starts, too embarrassed to finish his sentence. He has to avoid Leia's pointed gaze, and his finger anxiously drum along the edges of the table. "Dating."

Leia nearly spills her tea, fixing a shocked look up at Luke. She clears her throat, eloquently setting her cup down as she takes in a deep breath.

"You're dating, a Mandalorian," She repeats, likely in disbelief.

"And you're dating a smuggler!" Luke immediately rebutts, feeling the need to defend Din.

Leia puts her hands up to her temples, shaking her head. "That's completely different!" She shouts back.

Luke can't handle her raised voice, and he feels himself shrinking back towards his chair. He really hates dealing with this kind of confrontation. "Are you mad?" He mutters quietly.

Dinluke Book idk I hate naming thingsDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu