370 14 4

Notes: I will be first to admit

The chapter is fucking wack

Stay calm. Just, breathe in, breathe out, and everything will be fine.

Oh who was he kidding? Luke was absolutely freaking out, and he had no idea how to confront Din about it. He confessed to Din, and he remembers Ahsoka's advice of 'don't confess to Din', and now he's confused.

Did Ahsoka also get a vision?

Luke could care less. He ruffles his hair frustratedly, his father's advice, Ahsoka's advice, his own brain just kicking into overdrive, he really just needed a minute to himself to figure everything out, but jokes on him, his feet gravitate towards Din on their own like a magnet.

"Luke? Are you okay?" It was Din's voice.

Makers, when did Din start calling him like that causally?

Din was still dressed in his flight suit, not wearing his armour like he usually does. He's carrying Grogu and another youngling in his arms, but after seeing Luke, he quickly hands them off to one of the older younglings that had a sense of responsibility.

Luke collapses into Din's arms, who catches with ease, arms already curling around him protectively. "What's wrong?" He whispers lowly, brushing some of Luke's hair out of his eyes.

"Nothing, really. Just a little overwhelmed," Luke replies, nuzzling his head into the warmth of Din's chest. Just the sensation of being with Din was already enough to put his spinning head at ease.

Din doesn't say anything, and simply just holds Luke closer, as if he was afraid Luke would fall over and break if he let go.

He needed to be honest with Din. He needed to open up to him.

"Din, can we talk?" Luke asks, looking up to that familiar visor that managed to calm his nerves every time.

Din nods. "Of course, cyar'ika," He whispers softly into Luke's ear.

Luke's heart jumps at the mention. Perhaps they won't have much to talk about if Din keeps calling him that in that voice. Luke has to suppress a shudder.

"L-Let's go to your room," Luke squeaks out, trying to sound serious, because he is, but Din just chuckles amusedly.

They first tell the younglings to have their breakfast which Din had already prepared. Seriously, can that guy get any more perfect? Then they walk into Din's room, shutting the door behind them. Din guides Luke to the bed, and they sit beside each other, their knees touching closely together.

"What's wrong?" Din asks.

"My father's Darth Vader!" Luke instantly blurts. He immediately covers his mouth with his hands, turning to watch Din's reaction with wide eyes. Luke doesn't like beating around the bush, but maybe that was a little too direct.

There's a second of silence, then two, then three, then Din laughs. Not a chuckle, he laughs. It's such a bright, warm sound that catches Luke completely off guard, his heart jumping at how delightful his laugh was.

"It's not a joke, I...actually am his son," Luke has to clarify himself, in case Din thought he was not being serious.

Din's laughter dies, silencing to a couple of sniffles. "So?"

Luke's eyes widened. "You're not mad?" Luke feels compelled to ask. He was so afraid, afraid that what was in his vision would come to be, and that Din would leave him.

Din reaches over to hold Luke's hand, and Luke notices he still hasn't worn his gloves. Din brushes his thumb over Luke's knuckles, rubbing circles over them, all while looking directly at Luke. "Gar taldin ni jaoncy; gar sa buir, ori'wadaas'la." He mumbles something Luke has to assume is Mando'a, and he says it with so much affection, so much fondness that it makes Luke's heart skip a beat, a flush rising to his face.

"What does that mean?" Luke asks.

"Nobody cares who your father was, only the father you'll be," Din explains.

Luke bites his lip.

"What does that mean?" Luke asks.

"Nobody cares who your father was, only the father you'll be," Din explains.

Luke bites his lip, rolling his sleeves up, taking off the one black glove he always wears, showing his mechanical hand. Din tilts his head confusedly.

"My dad chopped my hand off," Luke says, completely dead serious.

Luke could feel the confusion inside Din, and almost, amusement?

"Are you trying to get me to hate your dad? Why are you telling me this?" Din asks, completely genuinely.

Luke looks up to Din, blinking innocently. "I-I just wanted to tell you everything. I didn't want to keep any more secrets, I was afraid you'd hate me because I wasn't honest to you. You were so open to me, so I thought I had to be open to you too, at least that's what my father told me, I don't know, maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I just needed to make sure that things wouldn't...things wouldn't happen like in the vision." Luke rambles all at once. He really was not in the right headspace right now.

"What happened in the vision?" Din sounds more worried now.

"You left me," Luke says, and he can feel Din tense from beside him.

Din exhales out harshly, turning to Luke and gently cupping Luke's face, brushing his thumb over his cheek. He nudges Luke's head forward, and Luke does so almost instinctively, their foreheads touching together. The chill from the beskar finally manages to cool Luke's heated skin, and Luke shuts his eyes, letting Din's touch calm him down.

"I would never leave you, cyar'ika. What you saw, that wasn't me," Din soothes Luke, his thumb tracing from his cheek to his jaw.

Luke pulls away so he could better look at Din. "I don't want you to think that I don't trust you." He defends.

Din's thumb reaches further up, and he brushes his thumb right over Luke's bottom lip. "I know that," He replies lazily.

"Luke, can I tell you something?" Din asks, and this catches Luke off guard. But he still nods, his heart beating slightly quicker.

"I love you, Luke. I will never leave you. I don't care who your father is. I just love you, for you," Din starts, his tone so genuine and soft, Luke has to bite his lip to stop his eyes from tearing up. "After you said that to me yesterday, I couldn't get you out of my mind."

Luke has to fight a stupid giggle that bubbles up his throat. Why would he ever have any doubt that Din wouldn't accept him. He happily bashes his head against Din's, hearing the small 'oof' that Din makes.

They pull away, and Luke feels tired from how intense his smile must've been. "So, what are we now?" He asks.

"Boyfriends?" Din suggests. Luke can feel his face melting off already just hearing the title.

"I think if you called me that I will actually die," Luke squeaks.

Din chuckles. "Boyfriends it is then," His voice so deep and gravelly, it almost comes out like a purr. Luke could definitely get used to that.

Luke almost didn't expect this confrontation to go that smoothly.

But something doesn't feel right.

Din doesn't feel right.

It was only a flash, so Luke buries the memory, thinking it was him being paranoid again.

Dinluke Book idk I hate naming thingsWhere stories live. Discover now