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Din simply goes back to the person he knew that was knowledgeable on the Darksaber. The armourer.

As Din travels through hyperspace, he tries to take his mind off the Darksaber. Now that Luke wasn't here to comfort him, he doesn't fail to notice that the humming of the Darksaber growing louder. He refused to let some kriffing weapon get the better of him.

While it's been a mostly quiet ride, and Din didn't have to worry about the Darksaber for the most part, it would still call out to him at times, but the voice was meek and small, nowhere near as deafening as it was at its worst. But whenever it happens, Din simply thinks back to Luke, his bright smile, and he finds himself blushing at being able to call him his boyfriend. His son Grogu also helped a lot in quelling the stupid saber.

Din returns to the Armourer's temporary covert, going through all the standard security measures, and when he enters, he most certainly doesn't expect Paz to also be there. He has to suppress a sigh as he enters, his trip turning into a bit more or a headache than he had originally intended.

Paz of course immediately takes notice of him, and saunters over to him like he can't function as a human being without annoying the hell out of Din first.

"Su cuy'gar," He greets, grinding his knuckle onto the top Din's helmet. Din wasn't sure how this became the intergalactic sign of annoying older brothers, and it hasn't grown any less annoying than when he did it the first when they were children, even before they swore the creed. Somehow even with a helmet in the way, the gesture has not become any more endearing.

"Ori'vod," Din grumbles back, ignoring his comment. As irritating as Paz all was, he was happy to see him alive and well after he forced them out of hiding on Nevarro.

"How's the parent life treating you?" Paz asks dryly, clearly an attempt to mock Din.

"Not half bad," Din doesn't fall for his bait however, and simply knocks him out of the way with a light push as he makes further into the room. The Armorer was sat at the centre, forging something probably meant for Paz.

The Armorer stops in her movements, turning around as she seems to take in the sight of Din. "You have something to ask me." She states coolly, already reading into Din's mind. Din doesn't know why both she and Luke could read him so easily. Was he really that obvious?

Din puts that thought on the back burner, he had more important matters at hand. He could think about that in his own free time.

"Yes," He replies. "It's about the Darksaber."

As soon as Din admits that, he could feel Paz's interest peak from opposite the room. And he walks over, putting a hand on Din's shoulder and roughly turning him around.

"You...you have the Darksaber?" Paz asks him, his tone filled with disbelief.

Din nods, and Paz's grip on his shoulder tightens. Din swallows somewhat nervously. Paz being a Vizsla, he had always been more of a traditionalist, sticking to the creed more strictly than anyone else. Din knows he definitely has more devotion to the Darksaber as well, but at this point anyone could have more devotion to the Darksaber than Din does. If anything, Din would welcome the fact of Paz challenging him.

He just needed someone to take this damned saber off him.

The Darksaber was first wielded by a Vizsla, according to the Darksaber itself, so Paz seemed to fit the bill.

"I'm definitely going to challenge you at least once, your highness," Paz says the last part smugly while punching him a bit too hard in the shoulder, probably drinking in the grimace from Din that can be felt even through the helmet.

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