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Din goes back with his now clean bucket of dishes, hauling it back to the kitchen. He watches Luke and the children. They're swinging around sticks now. He sits out of the front porch, just watching from afar.

  What would've happened if that droid didn't interrupt them?

  That thought eats Din up from the inside, his face setting aflame as he imagines possible outcomes.

  Din doesn't know how much time passes. And he slowly gets tired in between, dozing off at Luke's doorstep. He's only awoken by a chorus of curious children, poking and prodding at his beskar armor. He groans internally, and sneaks a scrutinizing glance at Luke, who is holding back a grin.

"Hey, told you helmet's off limits," Luke scolds a youngling that gets too close for Din's comfort, and he's grateful that Luke still respects the little personal space he has.

  The kid groans, "But the helmet's so cool!" And he turns back to Din. "Why don't you take it off?"

"Okay, that's enough. Give him some space now," Luke cuts in, shooing some of the children away.

"I'll go figure out his secrets, you guys go and play, okay?" Luke whispers loud enough that Din can also hear. The children smile, seeming to approve of Luke's deal, running off to play.

"They're... a handful," Din mumbles. It was probably an understatement of the year.

"Yep," Luke says, popping the 'p'.

"How long was I asleep for?" Din says mid-yawn.

  Luke counts his fingers. "Long enough that the sun's gone down," Luke says.

  They're alone together again, and the realization makes Din's heart maybe beating a little faster.

"You're staying a lot longer than last time," Luke states.

  Din nods, giving an amused chuckle. "Technically, I wasn't even supposed to be here. I was supposed to meet up with Boba as soon as I got my ship, but I figured I could make a pit-stop,"

"You know Boba Fett?" Luke looks at him, pupils blown wide. "He's still alive?"

  Din shrugs. "Yeah, he mentioned you, and he's gotten over the whole Sarlacc pit thing," He pauses. "I think,"

  Boba had a good laugh about it, but Din swears he still feels intense animosity bleeding through his demeanor, his finger on the blaster tightening ever so slightly. Din doesn't get intimidated often, but he decided to drop the subject promptly after that.

"Well, give him my regards," Luke jokes.

  A couple moments pass before Din's wrist panel starts to beep. Din immediately stiffens, pressing a few buttons and sighing.

"I jinxed it, didn't I?" Luke asks, and a clearly disappointed smile plastered on his face.

  Din heaves yet another sigh, dreading the words that were about to leave his lips.

"Yeah," He mumbles defeatedly.

"I understand," Luke says softly. Sometimes Din wishes he wasn't. He wishes Luke would ask him to stay, just so he would have an excuse to do so. "You can say goodbye to Grogu first, I have to prepare something."

  Luke heads towards the kitchen, so Din sets off to find Grogu. It wasn't difficult, as he was always constantly surrounded by other children, being the center of attention.

  Din manages to steal him away, holding him close to his chest. "Hey little guy," Din murmurs, giving Grogu a slight tickle under the chin, earning a cute giggle from him, which absolutely melted Din's heart.

"Some... work came up. I can't stay," Din mumbles. His heart sinks when Grogu's ears droop down, his mouth forming a tiny frown.

  Din gently traces the shell of his ear, humming softly. "I'll be back before you know it, so you keep on with your training, okay?" Din offers Grogu his pinky finger, but Grogu simply mimicks Din, holding up a finger of his own and lightly bumping it against Din's, then looking up to him with wide eyes as he cocks his head slightly.

  Din chuckles, "I assume that's a promise?"

  Grogu coos, which Din takes for a yes.

  Din sets Grogu back onto the ground, and with perfect timing, Luke greets him.

"This is for you," He says, holding up what seems to be a small basket. He hands it off to Din, while smiling sheepishly. Din peers into its contents, surprised that it's filled to brim all different kinds of foods. "The soup and fruits won't last long, so be sure to eat them first,"

"Y--You shouldn't have," Din stutters. "I can't take this," Din holds back the basket back to Luke.

  Luke smiles, taking Din's hands and gently pushing the basket towards him. "I mean it, you deserve more than just ration bars,"

  His smile is so warm. So kind. So sincere.

  Din's hands tremble slightly as he bends his head away. He can't say no. He lets out a shaky sigh, trying his best to calm the rapid hammering of his heart.

Luke's smile stays adamantly in Din's memory, as if burned into the back of his eye, appearing when Din blinked. It's bright, and Din knew he could stare at it forever.

  He's guilty. Luke has done so many things for Din, given up so much for him, and what does Din give in return? Nothing.

  Din wants to give Luke more. He wants to make sure Luke's smile will stay this radiant. He wants to protect it. He wants to protect him. He... wants to be with Luke.

  Din's distracted throughout his entire job. As if his consciousness was floating in and out, constantly making possibly life-threatening mistakes. It's not like himself to be like this. And he knows it. So he goes to search for answers.

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