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Din doesn't know how long it's been. Days, weeks, months, maybe even a few years have gone right by, and Din feels like he's made absolutely zero progress.

  He tries to do everything Luke shows him, he tries to copy everything Luke does, but it just doesn't feel to work.

"Okay, spread your legs up more," Luke urges, nudging Din's foot to open up wider, which Din reluctantly does so.

"You're too stiff. Relax yourself," Luke urges again, trying to right Din's current position. Din groans as he lets Luke poke and pull at his various limbs until he's satisfied.

"Hard when you're being constantly distracting," He grumbles, trying his best to maintain his position as he takes another swing.

  Luke crosses his arms. "You're whining again. Seriously, I really didn't take you for such a baby," He comments. "Do fifty more reps."

"I know, I'm trying, but I guess it's just not something I'm used to," Din mumbles, continuously swinging his staff forward.

  Luke thinks to himself, watching Din do his practice swings over and over. Maybe he's right. This wasn't the best way for him.

"Alright, forget your reps for now, let's take a break," Luke says.

  Din tilts his head, in that curious way that somehow worms its way right into Luke's heart every time. "I'm fine, Luke. You don't have to take it easy on me. I can handle a few reps."

"Yeah, I know, but let me try something new?" Luke walks towards Din, and then rips the already beaten up training staff from his hands, throwing it carelessly onto the ground.

"Okay, uh, what was that for?" Din asks, clearly confused.

"We spar. For real this time," Luke says. "Take off your armour.”

"Well, here goes nothing," Din replies, shrugging.

  Din wasn’t sure what he was supposed to expect, but he certainly wasn’t expecting to get his ass beaten to a pulp.

“Stay focused!” Luke yells. Din wasn’t sure how to do that, and the only thing he was trying to do was focus on not toppling to the ground. Luke jabbed him in the stomach, threw him up in the air, and hit him with such force that Din was about 50 percent sure one of his ribs cracked.

  Din obviously had a high pain tolerance from hardened years of being a bounty hunter, but he felt like a complete baby getting tossed around, having his armour taken away from him. He doesn’t even have the time to writhe in pain on the ground as he rolls around, narrowly avoiding Luke violent stab towards the ground.

  Din stands back up, panting, with numerous bruises all over his body. He feels like he’s learnt so much from Luke, yet nothing at all at the same time.

"You're not using what I taught you Din. Is that all you can do?" Luke yells as Din ducks another too close for comfort blow.

  Din wants to use what Luke taught him. But it's too difficult. Even without his armour, he's still far too slow, and every hit he just misses. There's nothing more than that, it's just not his style.

"Okay, time out," Luke says, hoisting his training staff up on his shoulder. "What's wrong Din? You were doing so well on our first spar."

  Din slumps onto the grass, shaking his head. "I don't know. I keep trying to copy everything you taught me," Din makes an empty, vague gesture. "And failing terribly."

  There's a brief silence, which is broken by Luke's apparent hysteric laughter. Din almost wanted to laugh along with how contagious and infectiously happy his laughter sounds, if he knew what was so funny, that is.

"Are you okay?" Din asks, genuinely concerned at how Luke spontaneously burst out laughing.

"Din, you silly goose," Luke replies, with a soft smile on his face,putting a hand on Din’s shoulder.

  Din just looks at Luke blankly, tilting his head in confusion. "What?"

"I was never trying to teach you to be a Jedi, I'm trying to teach you to be me, Din. Of course you couldn't follow along my moves,"

  Din just tilts his head further, unable to follow what Luke just said. "Huh?" Maybe he's being a complete idiot, which wouldn't be the first time, but he just didn't understand.

  Luke chuckles, sitting on the grass next to Din, taking the opportunity to hold Din's hand as he goes.

"What did you think I was going to teach you?" Luke asks calmly.

"I don't know. How to use a lightsaber?" Din replies airily, not really knowing what Luke wanted him to answer.

  Luke hums non-committedly. "I guess I should phrase this better. What did you want to get out of this training?" Luke asks, a little firmer this time, seemingly adamant on getting an actual answer from Din.

  Din's mind goes nearly blank. This question seemed to be even more vague than the last. But for some reason, the answer remains stark in his mind, his brain telling him that there really was no other option.

"I want to be like you," Din replies. "Ever since you saved me, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. How elegance, your grace, and how brutal you were, cutting down all those Darktroopers. You were the perfect warrior to me. So I want to be like you, be the figure that would spark comfort and security to Grogu, to all those other kids."

  Din still remembers seeing Luke effortlessly cut down all those Darktroopers and being absolutely starstruck. He tried to bury that memory away, not knowing if he would be able to see the Jedi and Grogu again. But he will never forget that sense of security being around Luke.

  If Din could feel it, no doubt could Grogu. If he just had a fraction of what Luke had, then might provide that same feeling to Grogu, and actually be able to protect him.

"Din, you are an amazing fighter. You don't have to, shouldn't have to copy me. Because Grogu, all the other kids, they feel safe around you already," Luke emphasizes the last part heavily. "You constantly belittle yourself, or think that you're not good enough, and I want you to stop doing that."

  Din chuckles. "It's difficult, when I have the galaxy's best boyfriend I feel undeserving of."

  Luke feels himself blushing but he tries to will the heat on his cheeks away. "Din, I'm being serious!"

"I know, it's just that… you're so amazing," Din says quietly, his voice and tone bursting with pure sincerity that bleeds right into Luke's heart. "Everything about you is so perfect, and I wanted to be like that so desperately."

"You're a Mandalorian, I'm a Jedi. We're different, and you clearly are no good at Jedi things so, fight like a Mandalorian. We're different, Din. I just wanted to teach you techniques so you could enhance it to your liking, never so you would become like a Jedi or me. Let's get this clear," Luke says adamantly.

"I'll try," Din replies.

  Luke huffs his cheeks and knocks on Din’s helmet. "Do. There is no try."

  Din chuckles lowly. "Fine. I guess I'll do?"

"Good," Luke replies back, satisfied.

  Luke stands back up, stretching before reaching for his training staff again. "We've had enough of a break haven't we? How about we go again?"

"You're on."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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