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  Din swings the Darksaber with all his strength towards Paz, who dodges easily.

The Darksaber wasn't humming at him anymore, but instead it got heavier. Din struggled to even lift the blade off the floor, leaving a dark trail as he tries to hold it up. It didn't behave like this before.

Din manages another swing, which Paz dodges equally as easily, and he kicks at Din's hands. With how heavy the saber is, it knocks him off balance, and he falls uselessly to his side, the saber destroying the mat beneath them. Paz takes the opportunity to quickly jump on Din, using his weight to pin him down as he uses the handle of his blaster to smash into Din's wrist, making his grip on the Darksaber loosen with a pained groan. He quickly kicks it away, and aims the blaster at Din's neck.

Din sighs. "I yield."

Paz scoffs as he gets off Din, lending him a hand as he pulls Din up.

"You're slow. Even for me," Paz snarks back.

Din had always been more of the nimble type, making his smaller size and agility to his advantage, while Paz had raw strength and size, standing nearly as tall as a Wookie, but sacrificing his speed. For Paz to call him slow? It's a new low.

Din grunts as he picks the saber back up. "The saber. It's heavy." He mumbles.

He could feel the eye roll coming from Paz. "No excuses, nerfherder. How do you expect to lead anyone when you can't even lift the saber?" There's a hint of disappointment in his tone.

  Din knows that Paz is right. He reignites the saber, preparing for another round.

  Paz comes charging towards Din, and Din tries to defend by putting up the saber, the darkness burning brilliant sparks against Paz's armour. It does nothing to stop his momentum, however, and Din is sent crashing against the wall. Paz is stunned for a moment when he headbutts him,  grinding his feet against the wall, he pushes forward and braces his hands on Paz's shoulders and flips over, landing unfortunately on his ass.

  He prays for his definitely bruised tailbone as he quickly stands back up, using his whip cord to wrap around Paz's legs, attempting to knock him off balance. It doesn't work, however and Paz just grabs onto the cord, flinging Din towards the wall. Din grunts as he falls limply to the ground. He really should've known better than to think maybe Paz has gotten lighter somehow.

Din gets back to his feet, facing Paz again, giving him no time to think, and ignites the Darksaber once more. It has not gotten any lighter, and has become a liability. But perhaps he could use that to his advantage.

  Din charges towards Paz with a guttural yell, putting both his arms up as he prepares to slash Paz. Paz could've easily dodged, but he still has the whip cord wrapped rather tightly around his legs, so he puts up his shield instead of risking tripping.

  The shield fizzles and sparks, not being able to hold the Darksaber for long. They stay at a stand still, and Paz pushes continuously forward with his strength, making Din lose ground. Din wouldn't be able to keep this up.

  Din suddenly switches the Darksaber off, and immediate ducks, avoiding Paz's strike. He uses the small window to sneak behind Paz's back, his arms quickly putting him in a choke hold while he ignites the Darksaber again, the blade held close to his neck.

Paz sighs, putting his hands up. "I yield."

Din lets go of Paz, placing the Darksaber back in its holster before slumping back to the floor, catching his breath.

"You're not using the Darksaber," Paz simply says.

"Hard to use when it weights just like you," Din breathes out, making Paz elbow him in the ribs.

Dinluke Book idk I hate naming thingsWhere stories live. Discover now