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Luke starts by weaving together the vines and string, he quickly makes the base the crown. But he's helped made so many crowns for himself and the younglings that it already comes as natural to him, and effortlessly finishes.

  He looks over to Din, who has nothing but a mess of twigs and pieces of string, the final product too small for his own head, while Grogu giggles at the mess he's made. Luke tries not to laugh, and he can feel the death stare coming from behind the visor.

"You laugh, you're dead, Jedi," Din says, and Luke has a tiny feeling that Din will follow through with his words.

  Luke shifts his position so now he's sitting opposite Din, and takes Din's hands in his own. "I'll help." He feels Din's hands begin to tremble, so he flashes a reassuring smile towards him, giving Din's hands a squeeze.

  Luke helps Din with his crown, helping him measure out the size of his helmet, weaving out the shape of the crown. They work in silence, and Din's hands feel warm as he works, slightly clumsy but determined, Grogu also occasionally joining in to help. Luke feels irresistibly close to Din, and he leans in to help Din tie a particular knot, their faces so close that Luke's breath fogs the visor.

  Luke dares himself looks into his visor, and strangely, he can't tear his eyes away. He still vividly remembers how handsome Din looked like without his helmet, and it stays in his mind no matter how he tries to forget.

  Din's charmed him, and Luke wanted nothing more than to take his helmet off and stare right back at those dark brown eyes.

  Luke felt from the moment as saw Din that he was different. And with every passing moment, he felt more and more sure, getting more daring every time. He looks at Din, who's giving nothing away, and wonders if he feels the same.

  He's stoic, serious, yet he somehow manages to be awkward, so unimaginably sweet, caring, funny, and ten more positive traits Luke can't even begin to list. Everything feels so natural when he's with Din, and even during awkward moments, it still feels right. The Force sings to him whenever Din's around, and Luke's sure of it.

He likes Din.

  Their flower crown drops to the ground, forgotten. Suddenly, a hand wraps around the back of Luke's neck. It's warm, gentle, and it lingers for a while, probably indicating that Luke could pull away if he wanted too. But Luke doesn't dare. He stays there, and his eyes unconsciously flutter shut.

  He hears Din's faint breathing, as the hand pulls him gently forward, Luke's heated forehead pressing against the cool metal. Luke leans insistently towards the warm beskar, and lets out a contented sigh, putting his hand of the back of Din's cowl, and hugging him closer. It feels so right, so familiar, like he's done this before.

  Luke feels as if somethings clicked, deeply inside of him, and he wants nothing more than to kiss him. Din draws a sharp breath as he slowly pulls away, as if it pains him physically to have to do so. But Luke doesn't let him. He leans in forward so quickly that their foreheads practically smash into each other.

  Luke's forehead stings a little, but he still sighs happily, leaning once again towards that familiar pressure. Din chuckles lowly, leaning back towards Luke, his free hand reaching over to Luke's, trailing warm, comforting circles into his knuckles.

  They finally pull away, after for what seems forever. Luke slowly opens his eyes, and sees the familiar visor that he loves so much. It grounds him, letting him know that this wasn't a dream. He can't resist the smile as he mutters, "Hey."

Luke gets distracted by a loud coo by Grogu. He had completely forgotten that Grogu had been sitting obediently in Din's lap the entire time.

"Hello to you too," Luke mumbles, reaching under to tickle Grogu's chin.

  Grogu proudly holds up Din's flower crown, babbling happily. The crowns slightly crooked, but it still looks good.

  Luke smiles brightly as he gently pats Grogu's head. "Grogu finished your crown for you." Luke says as he admires Grogu's handiwork. It's not bad at all, all things considered.

"Huh, good job kid," Din looks down at Grogu, trailing a finger along the shell of his ear. Grogu look triumphant, clearly soaking up all the praise.

"Well, let's see how it looks on you,"

  Luke puts the crown atop Din's helmet, and it fits perfectly. The bright colours from the flowers contrast heavily against the dull silver of his armor, and Luke's opinion, it was absolutely perfect.

  Din seems to be bashful, ducking his head away. Luke puts his hand on the edge of Din's helmet, gently tilting it upward so Din would be facing him.

"You look beautiful," Is all that Luke manages to say.

  Luke curses himself for not bringing his holocam. If he could take a holo of Din with his flower crown, with the sunlight bouncing off his helmet, creating an angel-like aura around him, and Grogu, who looks cute as always--

It was so unbelievably perfect.

Luke pulls out his chronometer again, and feigns an exasperated sigh. "We should get going. The younglings have probably wreaked havoc from their sugar high already."

  Din nods, patting the grass and petals off his lap and standing up with Grogu leaning comfortably in the crook of his arm, lending his free hand to Luke. Luke smiles as he takes it, letting Din pull him up.

  As they were prepared to head back, Luke feels a familiar presence in the force that immediately gives him whiplash, nearly making him fall right back on his ass if not for Din catching him.

"You okay?" Din asks, holding Luke's hand, like he's afraid to let down until he's sure Luke can stand upright again.

  Luke swallows nervously, flashing an apologetic smile. "Yeah, yeah!"

  Din doesn't look convinced.

  Luke sighs. "You two go on ahead, okay? I have to stay behind for some... business."

  He sounds damn suspicious right now, and he knows it. He can feel the concern and worry in Din through the force, and his heart breaks having to push Din away.

  Luke reaches onto his tip toes, shutting his eyes as he leans against the cool beskar of Din's forehead, putting his hands on Din's chestplate as he sighs. Din leans in almost in reflex, taking in Luke's hands and guiding them up towards his shoulders.

  They stay like that for a short while, until Luke unfortunately has to break the silence.

"Trust me. I'll be back,"

  There's a small amount of suspicion in the force, but then a large amount of trust and love overcomes it.

"Okay..." Din whispers, putting his hands on Luke's waist, pulling him forward for one last touch, sighing so harshly that it crackles against the modulator.
  Luke watches Din walk away, before turning his back, waiting for that familiar presence to show up again.

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