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Din sits in the cockpit, doing nothing but staring at the endless starry void, heaving large sighs. He's conflicted. The armorer had given him no answers at all, in fact she brought him more questions than answers. 

  Din reclines back into his seat, sprawling out his limbs as he stares into the ceiling of the ship. He's not en route to anywhere, he just left the atmosphere, and resigned himself to floating around in space. He really wished Grogu was here, and at least could give him a couple pointers. It was never useful, but hey, it at least was an option. And he provided a cute distraction, at the very least.

  Luke was too good for someone like him. He was an honorable Jedi, and was a big hand in taking down the Empire, and not to mention good with kids. And had the biggest, brightest, stupidest smile. Din couldn't wipe it off his mind if he tried.

  Din buries his head in his hands, groaning in frustration, banging one of them on the control panel as he unsuccessfully tries to figure out his feelings.

  Din sighs, reaching behind to grab Luke's basket of food and goodies. He takes off his helmet, popping a piece of fruit into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully.

  After getting some well needed sugar into his system, he plots a trip back to Tattoine.

  He makes his way back to Jabba's, no, Boba's palace, on his way to ask another stupid question.

"Mando," A voice greets. It's Fenecc, who's casually leaning on the side of now Boba's throne, polishing her rifle.

"Fennec," Din greets back, nodding in return. He looks around the place, not seeing Boba anywhere. "Where's Fett?"

  Fenecc shrugs. "Probably taking a leisurely stroll around Mos Espa, he'll be back," She replies easily.

  Din finds a bench on the side so he sits, idly twiddling his thumbs.

"Not in a hurry?" Fennec asks amusedly, giving one last brush up to her rifle before setting it aside.

  Din hums non-committedly. "I can wait,"

"What do you need Boba for?" She asks again.

  Din shrugs. "Just a question," He answers back quickly, and Fennec hums in response, almost like in amusement. Even though she gives nothing away, Din feels like she has already got him figured out.

  They wait a painfully awkward while, until Boba finally rocks up back to his palace.

"You're here," Boba says, a little surprised, eyeing Din up and down. "What for?"

  Din looks over at Fennec, giving her a nod. She shrugs, then walks off to another room, she gives Din's shoulder a pat before she leaves. "Just give me a shout if you need me," She says over her shoulder.

  After Fennec leaves, Boba looks over at Din questioningly.

"I--I want to ask you something," Din stutters. This isn't like him, and they both knew it. Din could almost see the quirk in Boba's brow, despite him still having his helmet on.

  Boba stares at Din for a moment, almost like in suspicion. "Go on,"

"Skywalker. I have a question about Skywalker," Din immediately blurts. He can almost feel the narrowing of Boba's eyes behind the helmet, but he doesn't interrupt. "I know that you weren't exactly-- close, with Skywalker, but if you would let me, I need... to know something. You're the only one, that's kind of close, to him, that I know of," Din tries to speak as much confidence he has, but his voice somehow gets smaller every syllable against his will.

"Well... we aren't exactly, on speaking terms, but I may know a thing or two," Boba shrugs, then puts down the blaster he was holding, along with his helmet down. Din let out a tiny breath of relief, and Boba chuckles at him. "Relax, I'm not going to blast you. But that may depend on the question," Boba says wryly.

"Gives me all kinds of reassurance," Din replies dryly. He sighs, gathering all the air in his lungs to continue on what he came for.

"Do you, by chance know Skywalker's personal preference in food, or-- hobbies?" Din asks as quickly as he can, ducking his head so he doesn't have to face Boba up right.

  Boba blinks slowly, his mouth dropping open, and Din can almost see the gears in his head struggling to compute. There's a moment of silence, and if Boba wasn't going to blast him, Din was going to do it himself.

  Boba barks a laugh, likely in disbelief, but doesn't say more. Din clears his throat abruptly, turning stiffly around to leave, "I--If you don't know anything, then I'll get going,"

"Wait," Boba says, making Din stop in his tracks. He takes a breath to compose himself before continuing. "Well, that certainly was unexpected, but I still have more to say,"

"You know?" Din asks, strained. He knows he's purposely vague, and he doesn't care to elaborate. He would rather die than repeat his question again.

"I don't remember having leisure tea parties with Skywalker talking about food and hobbies last time I saw him, but I know someone who's close to him," Boba answers, folding his arms together.

"Who is it?" Din presses, sounding like more of a demand than anything.

  Boba sighs, his brow furrowed as if recalling a distant, annoying, memory. "Solo. Han Solo. He's a good friend of Skywalker's. He'll know a thing or two,"

"That guy..." Din mumbles, making Boba raise a brow.

"You familiar with him?" Boba chuckles.

  Din shrugs. "Somewhat. But I never picked up his bounty. Do you know where I can find him?"

"He's got dozens of bounties on his head, as well as grudges. Ask around, and they will people who are glad to give up his location,"

"Thanks for your help. I'm in your debt, again," Din thanks, before giving a quick nod and walking off.

"You and Skywalker huh?" Boba calls out, making Din freeze in his steps, his head turning stiffly around. "Hate to say it, but you two seem good together," Boba admits, chuckling.

"We're not a thing," Din says, matter-of-factly, before taking off, his pace a little faster than before.

  Boba chuckles lowly. "Not a thing..." He muses. "Not yet, maybe," He says before barking a laugh to himself.

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