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Notes: There's some fairly explicit content up ahead, nothing too bad, but still be warned

When he finally opens his eyes, he immediately feels different. He actually feels refreshed waking up for once, and just–alive.

  He stretches his arms over his head, enjoying the slight way his muscles burn and loosen. He lets down a satisfying sigh, rolling his shoulders as he steps out the bed.

  It's already dark out, so Luke must've slept all day.

  He looks towards the door, only to see Din just casually leaning against it, arms crossed his chest. He thought he had gotten better at sensing Din's presence, but clearly he still had a lot to learn.

"Were you just watching me sleep?" Luke asks. Din uncrosses his arms, and stares blankly at Luke for a second before he ducks his head away from him, and Luke doesn't miss the way Din's fingers immediately catch on the edge of his flight suit, nervously fiddling with it. He's embarrassed.

"You make it sound creepy," Din defends, though he is still unable to look Luke in the eye. Can he seriously be more endearing? "I just finished tucking in the kids, and I just came to check on you..."

  Luke laughs. "I was just kidding Din, you don't need to be so uptight around me–"

"You look really pretty when you sleep," Din suddenly blurts out.

  It takes Luke a couple seconds to process what Din said to him, blinking slowly at him. "What?" Luke can't help but snort a laugh of disbelief at how forward Din was.

   Din inhales sharply. "I didn't mean to say that."

  Luke tilts his head at him. "Sooo, I don't look pretty when I sleep?"

"No, you do," Din immediately adds.

  Luke flashes a smile at him. "Thanks."

  Luke hops off his bed elegantly, walking past Din, making sure he walked just close enough so their shoulders brushed against each other. He was going to head for the kitchen, but a Din tugs on his hand, pulling him back.

Luke can't help the surprised, yet nervous laughter that bubbles up his throat as Din pulls him closer, their chests flush together, with Din standing taller than him, looking down at Luke with an unreadable aura surrounding him.

"My point is," Din says, voice barely held above a whisper, voice hushed and rough in a way that sends a delightful chill up Luke's spine, Din's arm coiled tightly around Luke's waist, an intense glare that Luke can feel, even through the visor. "You're really pretty, no matter what you do. And it's distracting."

  Luke darts his tongue out to wet his lips, unsure of how to answer. He tilts his head, "And what are you going to do about this information?"

  Din inhales sharply, and his grip around Luke's waist tightens, bordering on pain, but he quickly loosens his grip.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispers, his voice low and quiet, but Luke could feel the desire behind it. Luke loves how polite Din is every time, how he asks for consent. It's the sweetest thing, and also a big turn-on, but Luke was going to keep that to himself.

  Luke smiles back. "Of course." He looks directly into the visor, and he feels Din is looking straight at him too. "But, don't we already do that all the time? Why suddenly ask me?" Luke asks, remembering when Ahsoka told him about how Mandalorians kiss, and how baffled he felt at the time upon learning this information, having his first kiss with Din without even knowing it.

"Uh, I mean, without the helmet," Din adds quickly.

  Luke's face immediately goes aflame as a nervous, crooked smile unwillingly appears on his face. "A–Are you sure?" His voice comes out an octave higher than usual. He knows how important the helmet is to Din. How important the creed is to him. "You really don't have to do this for me. I'm happy enough as we are." Luke says, trying to make himself sound as genuine as possible.

Dinluke Book idk I hate naming thingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang