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Luke almost screeches in joy as he sees a familiar ship land, and immediately ends his lesson with the kids. That may be irresponsible teaching, but Luke just thought of it as a nice break now and again for himself and the younglings. The kids don't seem to mind anyway.

Grogu doesn't follow the other kids, instead waddling over to Luke, putting his arms up, asking to be picked up. Luke gladly does so, smiling as he tickles Grogu's chin.

"Let's go see your father," Luke says softly.

  Something felt off. As Luke approached the ship, he couldn't help but feel like was wrong. There was a dull and discomforting feeling poking and prodding at Luke in the force, as if trying to tell him of something.

  As the ship's ramp opens, this feeling grows further and further, dragging Luke until he's met with the source.

  Din stands at the top of the ramp, carrying two large bags. He looks the same as always, but Luke can sense the conflict lurking inside of him.

  Sadness. Anger. Fear. Unworthiness.

  They roll and crash in waves, bleeding into the force, and Luke backs away, nearly tripping at how overwhelming it all was. He suddenly feels cold, the chill building up and settling in his bones, his breath forming white clouds in the air. And he could only feel a fraction of it.

  Grogu could feel it too, already squirming out of Luke's hands, and manages to land safely on the ground. He waddles to Din, softly cooing as he hugs his boot, looking up to him.

  A small amount of doubt seeps out, but is quickly replaced with happiness. Din holds Grogu level with his visor, and Grogu holds his little hands out, grabbing onto his helmet and softly bumping their foreheads together. The air around them warms, and Luke lets out a sigh of relief.

  There's a small, startled gasp from Din, followed by a tiny sniffle. They separate, as Din walks down the ramp. Luke tries to help with his bags, using the force to carry them. Din avoids Luke's gaze, and Luke knows there's something terribly wrong.

  Luke doesn't know what to say. He can feel Din's anguish, pain, yet he can't find the words to speak up.

"Are you okay, Din?" Luke has to ask. He walks close to Din, who still hasn't let Grogu go, holding onto him tightly.

"If I'm being honest, no," Din answers simply. It makes Luke's heart sink, but he offers a smile, hoping it will make him feel better. Din takes in a small breath. "But seeing you two made me feel better."

  Luke smiles wider as he feels the negative feeling swirling in Din begin to disappear. A small amount still remains, but it seems to be muffled by gratitude, and happiness.

  Even if Din was maybe starting to feel better, Luke couldn't let it go. He will not let it go. Call him nosy, but he couldn't just let whatever problems Din had continue to affect him. He just couldn't. Luke walks close up to Din, grabbing his one free hand. Din flinches at his touch, and tries to pull away, but Luke just holds on tighter, looking straight into his visor where he imagines Din's eyes would be.

"You have to tell me what's wrong, I'm worried," Luke says, as genuine as possible. Din stays silent, tilting his head away as he shuffles his feet, seemingly not ready to tell Luke. If Din wasn't going to tell him, he wasn't going to force it out of him.

  Luke gives one last comforting squeeze before pulling away. "If something happens, tell me, okay? I won't judge you, I just can't stand you feeling upset," Luke's words flow out of his mouth without much of a thought, and he wills the flush building up his neck away.

  He wanted to show Din he cared, and there was no way he was letting deal with those kinds of emotions alone. A chill runs up his spine at the thought of how cold it felt when Din was still in the ship.

Dinluke Book idk I hate naming thingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant